Monday, April 9, 2012

Mittens: Too Little, Too Late

I guess Mitt Romney just remembered women can vote.  All of a sudden, when it can help him, he thinks women are just the bestest thing ever.

And apparently, he's married to the female Mittens, because like always he brings out his wife anytime someone asks about his ideas on women.

"She reports to me regularly that the issue women care about most is the economy, and getting good jobs for their kids and for themselves," Romney told the Newspaper Association of America on Wednesday. "They are concerned about gasoline prices, the cost of getting to and from work, taking their kids to school or to practice and so forth after school. That is what women care about in this country, and my vision is to get America working again."
A few days earlier in Middleton, he was asked how he'd counter the Democrats' narrative on contraception. He prefaced his answer this way: "I wish Ann were here … to answer that question in particular."

Well, not quite.  See, we also care about government letting us retain our medical and legal rights, and not subject them to change whenever it suits them.  It would be kind of nice if we were allowed to speak up without being called sluts and treated like vapid little decorations, but I know that clashes with the GOP mission to keep women in their place.  And again, don't forget the GOP voted unanimously to smack down equal pay for women, which is a really stupid way to show their concern about women getting good jobs for their kids and themselves.

She reports to him regularly.  I just bet she does.

Gosh darn it, though, he does see that moms are struggling to drive their kids to school or practice.  I've heard a lot about that in the news, haven't you?  I mean, some women have had to cancel Tupperware parties and combine sewing circle and recipe club.

He knows as much about what women think as I do about killing kittens for profit.  What a jackhole.  Thusly, The Bon knocked the dust off the jackass tag and officially brings it back from semi-retirement.

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