Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

Maha over at Mahablog tries to make sense of the latest insane right wing whatever outrage story that's motivating them towards all but calling for a second American revolution (where they wipe the Cheetos Hot Fries dust off the gun cabinet and wipe the motor oil stains off their tricorner hat and...I guess do something, maybe) but it's incoherent blather even for the winger blogs as they are all going to ragequit the country or something over Brett Kimberlin:

If you’ve been monitoring the rightie blogs today, you’d notice they’re all raging about some guy named Brett Kimberlin. Some of them have been going on about Brett Kimberlin for the past few days, and for the life of me I couldn’t make out why they were so enraged about Brett Kimberlin. One blog post after another was just a weird word salad mingling George Soros, Barbara Streisand, Bill Ayers, Mumia Abu-Jamal, world Marxism, various progressive organizations, and the left generally, to this guy Brett Kimberlin.

In other words, it's the usual crap.  Person X is the New Liberal Satan, and all liberals must be purged.  Only...this time they seem to be a bit angrier than normal.

But the weird thing is that rightie blogger after rightie blogger isn’t discussing what Kimberlin allegedly did to Patterico or McCain. They are calling for jihad on the entire Left. Everyone who has expressed even a mildly progressive opinion over the past 150 years is behind the Vast Conspiracy to silence the Right through intimidation (which, of course, bears no resemblance to what Breitbart and others were trying to do to Justice Through Music. [/sarcasm].) And so post after post rants hysterically about George Soros, Barbara Streisand, Bill Ayers, Mumia Abu-Jamal, world Marxism, various progressive organizations, and the left generally. Oh, and Brett Kimberlin.

Steve M too has noticed this time seems vastly different in tone rather than Standard Wingnut Poutrage of the Week.  One of them said this:

Read all of the incredible, sick-making story — which includes some perfectly typical and disgusting bile spewed by some of the violence-supporting left-wing animals who think things like this are just peachy — and gird your loins. Because it’s going to come down to shooting with these vermin eventually, if we’re to retain any rights at all. Patterico wouldn’t like me saying that, I’m sure; I don’t much like having to say it myself. But it’s a mere acknowledgment of current reality: we are in a cold war with neo-Marxists who are trying to steal our country, have already done enormous and probably permanent damage to it, and will stop at nothing –absolutely nothing — to see to it that our voices are silenced. That war must inevitably go hot, unless we’re willing to surrender to them.

Yeah, these guys aren't talking about protests and rallies.  They're talking about putting bullets in people over political disagreements now because they feel "our voices are silenced".  You know, because FOX News and Rush and righty blogs will be shut down any second under the Obama Regime.

These guys are all deeply disturbed.  And yet this is exactly the outcome I've been warning of for the the last several years on this blog.

It's scary to start seeing it come to pass.

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