Saturday, May 26, 2012

Enablers Of Destruction

Brad DeLong just absolutely hits this out of the park with the notion that the problem isn't just insane Republicans on verge of reducing the country to warring red state Christian fiefdoms versus the Union, but the "moderates" who enable these nutjobs though sins of omission as he takes on Norm Ornstein and Tom Carr about their new book bemoaning the wingnuts in their party.

Look. You two are expecting normal politics to rein in a Republican Party gone bonkers extreme. But it will not work. The press corps will continue to say "he said, she said, yadda yadda yadda" either because they are gutless cowards or because they are bought. In a world of low-information voters, the bonkers extremism and sheer total meanness of the Republican Party will not get through. The only way it could get through would be if moderate Republican barons were to announce that they had had enough and were crossing t'he aisle, and if they did so in a way that they brought their affinities with them. But I don't see Brent Scowcroft doing that, I don't see Colin Powell doing that, I don't see Greg Mankiw doing that, I don't see Marty Feldstein doing that, I don't see Gail Wilensky doing that, I don't see Bob Dole doing that, I don't see Jack Danforth doing that, I don't see Richard Lugar doing that--and I don't see you doing that, Mr. Ornstein. I don't see you calling for the defeat of every single Republican candidate this fall and every fall until the party comes back to reality.
And since all of you moderate Republicans are unwilling to take the only step that might fix the situation on your side, we have to take the only step open to us: We have to stop bringing a set of policy proposals and briefing papers to what the Republican Party has made a thermonuclear exchange. We have to oppose their noise, slime, and lie machine with a noise, disinfectant, and truth machine of our own--and at the same intensity.
That means you moderates need to pick a side and fasten your seat belts, rather than wringing your hands about how the Republicans are being so mean, and you wish they would be less so.

Any questions?

It's the guys in the middle who should know better, who should be revolting, who should be standing up for the Republican Party.  But they're too far gone, and anyone who does stand up gets their career destroyed by these thugs and replaced with another Tea Party clone.

It's sad, really.  But it's nobody fault more than guys like Ornstein and Carr.

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