Friday, May 11, 2012

Ghost In The Moose-chine

Bristol Palin's Facebook ghostwriter has declared open season on the Obama daughters.

In a new blog post entitled "Hail to the Chiefs – Malia and Sasha Obama," Bristol takes issue with the influential role Obama's daughters supposedly played in helping him "evolve" his opinion on same-sex marriage.

"In this case, it would've been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that's not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage," she writes. "Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids' worldview."

This coming from an unmarried single mom who had a kid out of wedlock, who knows everything about the sanctity of marriage better than Barack Obama, happily married to Michelle Obama for more than 2 decades.   Ed Kilgore sums it up:

To be clear, I am not mocking Bristol Palin when I offer these responses. She has the last laugh on me, and on all of us. Like her mother, she has a knack of luring people who know better into paying attention to her rants. In my defense, I’ll say that some of Sarah Palin’s most casual, fact-free rants have wound up in national GOP talking points, leading millions of anxious seniors to believe that the President of the United States wants to have them euthanized. It’s sometimes best to get a head start on Palin-generated nonsense, or in this case, on the next generation of Palins.

In other words, for the rest of their lives, the Palins can spout whatever vapid, moronic moose crap they want and the machine makes it become the pulse of the heartland.  America is a truly great country, where proxy fight attacks over policy are led by the children of political has-beens on the kids of the President.

Nice.  Also, bonus points for going after the President's teenage daughters.  That's how Republicans roll, you see.

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