Saturday, May 19, 2012

GOP Voter Suppression Isn't Enough? Try Candidate Suppression

Want to know how to put swing states like Arizona with Republican Secretaries of State firmly in the Mitt Romney camp?  Use birther nonsense to threaten to take President Obama off the ballot, of course.  Voter suppression not working?  Just eliminate the Democrat as a possible candidate.

The man in charge of running Arizona’s elections has gone to the birthers. Secretary of State Ken Bennett now says he’s not convinced Barack Obama was really born in the United States and so he is threatening to keep the president off the ballot in November.

Bennett’s comments came in an interview late Thursday with conservative radio talk show host Mike Broomhead on Phoenix station KFYI.

Bennett said he was following the lead of the state’s eccentric Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a fellow Republican who ordered an investigation into the president’s birth certificate last year and concluded the document released by the White House is a forgery. Bennett said he is now trying to get verification from state officials in Hawaii that the certificate is authentic.

If you ever really wondered what the Birther stupidity was really about, it's Put The Kenyan Usurper And His Kind In Their Place(tm).   He can't win the state if he's not on the ballot, right?

I’m not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was,” Bennett said on the show. “But my responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking.”

And as Secretary of State for Arizona, what's really stopping him from saying "Hey, this birth certificate is of a black man has too many irregularities for us to allow on the ballot" anyway?

What's to stop Republicans in Ohio, Virginia and Florida from doing the same thing, I wonder.  If anyone knows, please tell me.  These guys are nuts and will do anything to keep him from winning.

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