Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In Which Bon Yearns For A Clue Bat

This is the kind of stupidity that often ends in someone being really hurt.  Second degree burns is nothing to sneeze at, but when you put a nut like this in a situation it could have been worse.

(CBS) PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - Police are on the lookout for 52-year-old David Timbers, who they say threw a cup of hot coffee at a doughnut shop employee, causing second-degree burns in a dispute over $2.40, CBS Philly reports.
The entire incident was caught on tape on May 8 inside a Fresh Donuts store in west Philadelphia. Timbers is seen arguing with the clerk and insisting that he paid for his sandwich. The clerk maintained that he didn't, which added to Timbers' frustration.
"I paid her! She told me I didn't, so she can take that and keep the sandwich," said Timbers on tape.
Police said Timbers grabbed a cup of hot coffee from the employee's hand and threw it at her. The victim suffered second-degree burns on her arm.
Cameras inside the store show that Timbers indeed never paid $2.40, according to police.
It could have been a legitimate mistake on his part, right up until the point of assault.  Two dollars isn't worth hurting someone for, bleah.  We see self-important jerks like this every day, I hope for each one of these that goes off, ten are silenced by common sense.

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