Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sins Of Omission

Mitt Romney standing idly by as a woman at his campaign rally Monday accuses the President of treason?  Anyone surprised by either of those two occurrences? 

A woman in the audience expressed dismay that Obama was "operating outside the Constitution," then said Obama should be tried for treason for violating separation of powers.

"I do believe he should be tried for treason," she said to applause from the audience.

Romney replied that "I happen to believe that the Constitution was not just brilliant, but that it was inspired, and so was the Declaration of Independence," avoiding the woman's comment.

If you've been paying even one iota of attention to the modern GOP, you shouldn't be.  Steve M.:

The notion that his presidency flagrantly violates legal and constitutional restraints is articulated day in and day out by Republicans and rightists of all degrees of prominence. It's not considered controversial. Whether it's the use of so-called czars, the inclusion of an individual mandate in the health care law, or merely the collecting and distribution of tax money for any social program at all, mainstream rightists and Republicans now deem it a violation of the Constitution and an example of full-blown, undiluted socialism.

This, of course, is nuts. It's nutty, conspiratorial, fringe thinking -- it's not birtherism, but it's exactly as crazy as birtherism. Taken to its logical conclusion, it would define just about every president of the past century as a traitor to the Constitution.

But it's simply what Republicans believe now. It's mainstream GOP thinking.

So you can't really blame Mitt Romney for failing to criticize that woman, can you? It's not his fault -- the fault lies with the degeneracy of his party's philosophy. 

I'll go one step further.

You didn't actually expect Mitt Romney to develop a spine and to challenge the Tea Party lunatics that he must have 100% support from in order to win, did you?  If so, you need to pay a few more of those iota things in attention.

The audience applauding the woman accusing the President of treason and Romney dodging the unpleasantness?  Republicans never thought Barack Obama was actually President anyway.  And don't expect the "reasonable, moderate" right to defend the President here either.  They don't exist.

Republicans own this hate monster 100%.

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