Saturday, June 9, 2012

Gay Librarian Fired For Refusing To Sign Anti-Gay Employment Contract

Despite being a tenured librarian, 50-year old Michael Wilson was fired a few weeks after he refused to sign the Shorter University’s new contract which included a lifestyle statement which required all employees to reject homosexuality.
Rome News-Tribute reports that along with the contract, Wilson submitted a letter in which he said:
“Please find enclosed for your reference a copy of my signed employment contract for the 2012-2013 school year; the original document has been submitted to the Provost’s office. As you can see, I have redacted Clause 10; I believe, for reasons that should be obvious, that the provisions therein constitute a grave violation of the principles of academic freedom and tenure, core values in academe that were formerly embraced by the University’s administration.”

Employers should  not be able to ask their employees to sign a contract rejecting legal choices.  Personal choices that do not affect their work, or their ability to live a legal life outside of the bounds of employment.  I'm just disgusted, and I hope they are ashamed of themselves.

Their motto is "transforming lives through Christ."  I'm not sure what Bible they read, but the Christ I know taught by example, showing compassion and kindness to all, not just the popular folks.  He told us we must not judge others, because we can also be judged and quite harshly, when we lack compassion.

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