Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Contemptible Motion For Contemptible Fools

Over at ABLC, Bon talked about the story of Lexington teenager Savannah Dietrich, the 17-year-old sexual assault victim who faced a six month jail sentence for contempt of court for tweeting the names of her attackers after the pair of young men who assaulted her (and circulated pictures of that, by the way) cut a plea deal in juvenile court.

Yet now it’s Dietrich who is in hot water. She was angry at the order stating she couldn’t speak of the juvenile hearing. Her attackers were given protection because they are minors, despite the fact that she is one as well and they attacked her, not the other way around. She unleashed her feelings on Twitter, which led to the defendant’s attorney calling her out on violating the order.

Dietrich admitted freely that she was violating the court order, but faces up to six months of jail time and a fine of up to $500. The remarkable thing is that the defendants in her case admitted guilt and took a plea bargain that got them a sweet deal. Now she may be the only one who does jail time over her own assault.

Well, it turns out the outcry here in Kentucky and across the country was so raucous that the contempt motion has been dropped.

Defense attorneys for two teenagers who pleaded guilty to assaulting 17-year-old Savannah Dietrich have withdrawn their motion that she be held in contempt for tweeting the names of her attackers in defiance of a court order.

David Mejia, an attorney for one of the teens, said given that the story has gone global because of a piece Saturday in The Courier-Journal, there was no reason to continue the contempt motion.

What could contempt do now?” Mejia said in an interview, adding that the boys’ names have already been circulated far beyond the original tweet. “Seems like a rather useless exercise doesn’t it?

The boys are no longer media virgins and the damage has been done?  That's the excuse for dropping the contempt charge?  Really?  That's so far into colossal douchebag territory we're going to need to invent new self-healing plastics just to maintain structural integrity of the unit.

Don't get me wrong, Savannah Dietrich went through more than enough as the victim here.  The notion that she spend six months in jail and pay a fine was preposterous, so seeing the charge dropped is a serious win.  But let's not forget the contempt charge was suggested as nothing more than vitriolic retribution by the defense team of the two assholes who got away with a plea bargain for sexual assault and circulating pictures of their conquest.

My sympathies for their tender fee-fees are infinitesimal.  You'd have a better shot of spotting a Higgs boson wearing a tiny Lady Gaga meat dress while performing various arias from La Traviata than being able to quantify how much of a damn I give about the social reputation of these reprobates.  Then these jagoffs decide they're going to send the victim to jail, and then when the solid wall of the sound of the country shouting the word "asshole" knocks all their dudebro beer glasses off their tables, their lawyer says OH WELL, SHE'S ALREADY DAMAGED THEIR REPUTATION ENOUGH, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO.

I don't say this nearly enough.

I'm saying it now.

Fuck you, the two sexual predator assholes who did this, and fuck you, attorney David Mejia, you rotten excuse for a human being.  You are awful.  You are in fact the greasy, burnt shards of hopelessness and rot at the bottom of the bag of life's kettle chips.  I hope one day that medical science masters the compassion transplant, because you're a couple hogsheads low in that department, guys.

Most of all, I hope you never have a daughter, niece, mother, aunt or sister who finds herself in the same hideous situation that Savannah Dietrich did and that you never feel that particular brand of pain and inchoate, impotent rage at finding yourself and your loved ones at the mercy of the caprice of a couple of teenage dudebro assholes.  I hope you never find yourself so far broken as a man that you are filled with a burning desire to gain denied justice through the application of a metal Easton softball bat and five minutes in a locked room with the jackasses that hurt the people you care about, a desire so strong you become physically ill at the effort needed to contain it, just to continue functioning, and that you have to stop and remind yourself constantly through the incandescent blinding futility of your rage that if your pressure vessel of a self cracks for even a moment, you will forever disgrace the ones you love and defeat the very purpose of justice itself by becoming a beast no more worthy than those who wronged the people you care the most about.

That is something I would never wish upon you or the two men who assaulted this young woman.  Pray you never experience anything close, because you will fail that particular test, gentlemen, and only compound your sins exponentially by hurting the innocent around you even more.

I'm going to get some air now.

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