Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mittens Is Losing It

An increasingly trapped Mitt Romney made the rounds on cable news last evening to double down on his Bain Capital denials and told the world to go screw itself over his tax returns.

In an interview with ABC News on Friday, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney insisted that he had played “no role whatsoever in the management of Bain Capital after February of 1999″ and demanded that President Obama apologize for remarks by his campaign staff implying that Romney might have committed a felony by misrepresenting his status with the firm.

The president needs to take control of these people,” Romney stated. “It’s Chicago-style politics at its worst and the president promised something better than this when he ran the last time. And he ought to disavow it and reign in these people who are running out of control. … He sure as heck ought to say that he’s sorry for the kinds of attacks that are coming from his team. … This is simply beneath the dignity of the presidency of the United States.”

In other words, Mitt is demanding an apology from the President for not immediately throwing the race.   Mitt's whining is borderline panic now.  He's getting killed in the polls over this and he knows it.  His internal polls must be awful.  His defense at this point is "Someone get this blackity black black gangsta thug off me, will ya?"

Oh, but it gets worse.

In another hastily arranged interview on Friday, Romney told CNN that he has no intention of releasing more than two years of his income tax returns.

“We’ve complied with the law,” Romney stated. “The law requires us to put out a full financial disclosure. That I’ve done. I know there will always be calls for more, people always want to get more, and, you know, we’re putting out what is required plus more that is not required, and those are the two years that people are going to have. … That’s all that’s necessary for people to understand something about my finances.”

So he's now crying as hard as he can to work the Village refs to make this Bain story vanish.  Now.  And the sad, awful part is more than likely he'll get his wish:  the Village wants those hundreds of millions in ad money, and they have to have a "close horse race" to get it.  If Mitt's tax returns are this awful, awful enough that he will not release them, then he knows and the media moguls know that the race would be over once they come out.

No race, no advertising dollars.  No ratings.  No chance to decide who runs the country for our Sensible Village Centrist types.  And no power brokering.  On Sunday, we'll be told that the Bain/tax return story needs to go away.  On Monday, it will be gone, replaced with whatever outrage Drudge can crap out next.

Two, three months from now we'll be asking "Hey, whatever happened to that Bain story?"

I guarantee it.  And I hope I am wrong, dead wrong, laughably wrong. But judging from the interviews today, Mitt Romney will never release those returns.  I am more convinced than ever that the full story behind Mitt's tax dealings would end this race.  But the Village will not allow it.  This story will be spiked.

I expect a full court Village press scolding President Obama agreeing with everything Mitt said above.  That's coming Sunday.  It's going to be awful.

Me, I'll keep asking and pushing.  I hope you will too.  But don't expect our media to do it.

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