Wednesday, July 11, 2012

With Campaign Surrogates Like These...

...Mitt Romney doesn't need critics, apparently.  His own guys are torpedoing his chances in November, guys like Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC are more than happy to say some really moronic things about Mittens.

Mitt Romney shouldn't be criticized for using off-shore tax havens because "it's really American to avoid paying taxes, legally," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Tuesday.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee has come under fire for stashing assets overseas in places like Bermuda and Switzerland.

Graham argued that Congress is responsible for tax avoidance because it has crafted such convoluted rules and said he was fine with Romney's taking advantage of the loopholes.

"As long as it was legal, I'm OK with it," Graham said. "I don't blame anybody for using the tax code to their advantage. I blame us for having it so complicated and confused. Pick a rate and make people pay it."

In the meantime, anything within the rules goes, he argued.

"It's a game we play," Graham said. "Every American tries to find the way to get the most deductions they can. I see nothing wrong with playing the game because we set it up to be a game."

Congress set it up to be a game that people like Mitt Romney can win, and regular Americans lose.  Big time.  Considering more than two-thirds of Americans believe that the "game" Lindsey Graham wants Americans to play is rigged to help people like Mitt Romney get richer at their expense, maybe bragging about how rich Mitt is because Congress set up the tax code so that Mitt can avoid paying taxes and that he should be applauded for it is about as tone-deaf as it comes.

This is why Americans give Congress an 9% approval rating, folks.  By all means Dems, run ads on Graham saying this over and over again, while pointing out Mitt Romney believes that the rich are still paying too much in taxes and that he wants to give millionaire hundreds of thousands in more tax breaks yearly while telling the rest of us "Sorry, we can't afford roads, school, and police.  You're on your own."

Dems need to crush this fastball out of the park.

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