Monday, August 20, 2012

A Second Take On Todd Akin

Zandar covered it well, but there are just a couple of things I'd like to say.

Please, Missouri... please be smarter than this.  We should not consider a man who tells an outright lie in his "off-the-cuff" remark for a position of power.  Either way, he is either completely ignorant, thinks we are ignorant, or he is a liar who weasels when called on his untruths.  Some combination (or an all of the above) leads to his statement.  The man tried to say that women who are raped and become pregnant were either participating or enjoyed it.  There is no other way to read the words he used.

I do not want a man who so grossly misunderstands or is willing to lie about women's bodies to make decisions about my rights to health care, my medical rights, or my ability to make choices for myself.  His job is to represent the people, not force them to behave how he wishes.  He clearly does not understand this.

He spewed ignorance and an outright lie, and when people knew better he tried to spin it.  Don't let it work. Either he thought that was the truth or he was lying.  There is no other explanation.  Neither will suffice.  Also, his references to women

As a Missourian with a uterus, and a soul... I am disgusted.  So is his opponent, Claire McCaskill, according to the LA Times.

“Akin previously was the co-sponsor of a bill to redefine rape,” McCaskill said. “And it was recently reported that Akin opposed a state law against spousal rape because it might be used as a tool against husbands in a ‘messy divorce.’ ”
The “redefinition” of rape was contained in a federal bill co-sponsored by Akin in 2011 that would have redefined the conditions under which federal funds may be used to pay for abortion.
Currently, federal money may be used in cases of incest, rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. The “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act” was co-sponsored by more than 200 Republicans, including Mitt Romney’s running mate, Rep. Paul D. RyanIt would have changed the word “rape” to “forcible rape,” which abortion rights supporters feared would rule out paying for abortions in cases of statutory rape or when a victim is drugged or verbally coerced.

So yeah, this wasn't misspeaking.  This was getting called out on some major issues, and failing.  Victims of rape shouldn't be denied medical options because they are unable to afford them.  But oh yeah, if you get pregnant you were either willing or enjoyed it.

He promises victims of rape the justice they "deserve"... the problem is he doesn't think they deserve any.

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