Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

Bereft of actual policy points he can make that don't involve releasing his tax returns and not wanting to blow the one shot he has at changing the subject with a veep pick right now Romneybot flips through Newt's Contract With America playbook and comes up with this gem of an ad campaign. First, the President's policy fixes:

Changes to welfare pushed by President Barack Obama's administration are providing his Republican challenger Mitt Romney with material for a new round of attacks, including a television ad released Tuesday. The changes, which would allow states greater flexibility in administering their welfare-to-work programs, came in a directive issued by the Department of Health and Human Services in mid-July. At the time, some Republicans claimed the new rules amounted to a "gutting" of work requirements for welfare recipients, which were a central element of the bipartisan welfare reform law signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996.

Let's pause for a minute here.

The changes would relax paperwork and reporting requirements for these programs, allowing the states to put more money towards actually helping people move from assistance programs to gainful employment, giving more power to the states to run the programs as they see fit to adapt for employment conditions in their general areas.  This seems like EXACTLY THE KIND OF THINGS REPUBLICANS SCREAM ABOUT WANTING TO DO.  But because Republicans can't possibly resist being racist chunderdouches, they derive this nonsense from the new requirements:

In Tuesday's ad from the Romney campaign, an announcer points to Clinton's achievement, and claims Obama's directive would "gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements." "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check," the announcer continues. "And welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare."
Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul said the welfare ad was one piece in a larger push to highlight the Obama administration's changes to ways states administer welfare. "Middle-class Americans are working harder and harder to make ends meet," Saul wrote. "Under President Obama, they have fewer jobs and less take-home pay. And now, President Obama wants to take their hard-earned tax dollars and give it to welfare recipients without work requirements." Romney, she wrote, "would restore the work requirement in the welfare law so that recipients know the dignity of work instead of the dependency of a handout."

BLACK PRESIDENT CRISPUS GETBUCKS IS GIVING YOUR HARD-EARNED WHITE WELFARE TAX DOLLARS TO SHANIQUA AND TYREEK AND BEBE'S KIDS.  Clearly impeachment is a requirement, so you might want to RSVP now before the Unemployed Nubian Shock Troops arrive and drink up all the Hennessy you got on your shelf and make more Halfrican-non Americans with your chunky blonde daughters.  Soon they'll be EVERYWHERE and the only growth industries will be nail salons, check cashing joints and hair weave factories and the national language will officially be changed to Ebonics.

At this point, the ni-CLANG! Clock is at like 11:58 and 55 seconds, and it's first week of August still and we've got Romney busting out the Welfare Queens And Strapping Young Bucks card.  Where's he going to go next, showing White Man's Burden as a documentary on a possible second Obama term?

Let's keep in mind that the directive actually says that if the states submit a plan that lowers the work requirements, the plan will be rejected by the feds.  And a number of Republicans in red states have been eager to get behind waivers for these bureaucratic and reporting requirements as a money-saving tool for cash-strapped state governments because hey, let's not forget that the majority of welfare benefits go to white people, because white people are a majority of the population in most red states still. 

President Obama is going "You know what, these reporting requirements really are burdensome at this point in our path forward on economic progress, and I'm going to make things easier on people." But no, once again a moderate Republican move is fine until Obama does it, then it becomes "President Pootie Tang is giving free shit to lazy negroes while an out of work, frustrated broke white guy is staring in the mirror going "He hate me."  That's all that matters as the Romney campaign hits a dismal new low and we're still 90 days or so out from the election.

The knowledge that Romney will have to go even more negative and more awful with three months left makes me wonder just how far we're going to get.  Romney in blackface?  Romney with dancing Mammies?  Romney smashing watermelons in front of a Church's Fried Chicken?  Romney re-enacting episodes of The Wire?  Where's he going to go next?

Because wherever it is, it's going to be worse than this disgusting, awful piece of racist garbage.  You can count on it.

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