Thursday, August 23, 2012

Doctor, Doctor, Can't You See I'm Burning, Burning

And now we know why the Romney campaign was so very eager to bury the Todd Akin story:  the trail from what the distinguished doucheknocker from Missouri believes leads right to Willard's front door.  The Guardian's Jon Swaine:

Mitt Romney met John Willke, the doctor credited with popularising Todd Akin’s controversial views on rape and abortion, during the current election campaign and told him they agreed on “almost everything,” Dr Willke said. 


Dr Willke, a prominent anti-abortion campaigner, claims to be an authority on the theory espoused by Mr Akin that victims of what the Republican congressman called “legitimate rape” do not become pregnant because their bodies “shut down” due to the trauma.
The 87-year-old endorsed Mr Romney’s bid for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination and was one of his official campaign surrogates. ”I am proud to have the support of a man who has meant so much to the pro-life movement,” Mr Romney said at the time.
Mr Romney and Paul Ryan, his running mate, have denounced Mr Akin's remarks. Dr Willke has been given no role in Mr Romney’s 2012 campaign and aides stress that the candidate disagrees with his theory on rape.
However, Dr Willke told The Daily Telegraph that he did meet Mr Romney during a presidential primary campaign stop in the doctor's home city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in October last year. Local news reports at the time noted that the candidate held “private meetings” during the visit. 
“He told me ‘thank you for your support – we agree on almost everything, and if I am elected President I will make some major pro-life pronouncements’,” Dr Willke said in a telephone interview on Tuesday

I've never been more proud of crazy-ass Jack Willke since I moved here.   What's Willard going to do, call him a liar?

Not a whole lot of daylight between the Akins and the Romneys in the party, folks.  Besides, has Mitt shown even the slightest tendency to stand against the Tea Party at any point this year?  What makes centrists who believe Mitt will govern from the middle believe that he'll have any choice but to sign insane, anti-choice, anti-woman legislation into law?

The latest Rasmussen poll has McCaskill up by ten.  Considering Akin was up 3 in the same poll at the end of July, that's a bunker buster dropped on the GOP chances to win the Senate.

And oh's not helping Mitt much, either.

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