Saturday, August 18, 2012

Re-Birther Of The Uncool, Part 6

Signed, SEALed, delivered, two swift-boat style attacks on President Obama from two different groups of retired Special Operations military types, who are going after the President for the decision to get Osama bin Laden saying the President should be ashamed of himself for "damaging leaks" at the expense of the Pentagon to "benefit his campaign". 

Surprise!  One group has significant ties to the GOP and the leader of the other is a confirmed Birther assclown.

"I have to admit that I'm a Birther," said SOS founder Larry Bailey, a retired 27-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, in an interview. "If there were a jury of 12 good men and women and the evidence were placed before them, there would be absolutely no question Barack Obama was not born where he said he was and is not who he says he is."

Bailey, who is part of the leadership of SOS's effort to mobilize thousands to take to the streets to denounce Obama's treatment of the military through an SOS project called Operation Street Corner, doesn't only believe that the president is a foreigner. He also believes that he is not actually the son of Barack Obama, Sr. Bailey trumpeted the conspiracy theory that the president is actually the love child of Ann Dunham and writer Frank Marshall Davis.

"In his books, Obama said his mentor was a fellow named Frank Marshall Davis. Frank Marshall Davis was a member of Communist Party USA, he wrote for the communist party's Hawaii newsletter, he was a close friend of Obama's mother, and there's a strong case that Frank Marshall Davis rather than Barack Obama, Sr. was Barack Obama, Jr.'s father and that Barack Obama, Sr. was just an administrative father of convenience," Bailey said.

Bailey isn't shy about his dislike of Obama personally and admits freely that his extensive efforts to mobilize special operations veterans and their supporters around the country is rooted in his personal dislike of the president and his desire to see him replaced.

"Barack Obama's a born red-diaper baby. He's a socialist. His beliefs are the very antithesis of my beliefs. As far as I am concerned he is one of the most unlikeable and unprepared politicians we've ever had," Bailey said. "I don't like him because he believes that America is responsible for most of the problems in the world and he wants to cut her down to size.

No, you don't like him because you're a racist asshole and a lunatic, Mr. Bailey.  And you greatly dishonor the men and women who have served and continue to serve this country with your prejudicial garbage.  America is better than you, sir.  It deserves better than people like you.  Period.

Have you no decency?  I guess not.  Meanwhile the other group mentioned in that story, OPSEC?  Reuters reporter Mark Hosenblatt "took a look".

Reuters reported on Tuesday that a group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives was preparing to launch a media campaign, including TV ads, that scolds Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden and accuses his administration of leaking U.S. secrets for political advantage.

The group, the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc, unveiled a documentary-style video featuring interviews with former spies and U.S. military commandos on Wednesday.

 Surprise!  Turnes out they're all former Swift Boat veterans and current Tea Party nutjobs as the Agonist notes:

The president of OPSEC is identified by Hosenball as "Scott Taylor, is a former Navy SEAL who in 2010 ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination for a congressional seat in Virginia." What Hosenball neglects to mention, however, is that every other person he names as a member of this OPSEC group is a Republican activist and apparatchik.

Ben Smith, the ex-SEAL named above, is nowadays better known for his activist work with the Tea Party Express and Move America Forward , the pressure group set up by California Republican public relations firm Russo Marsh & Rogers. Fred Rustmann, "a former undercover case officer for the CIA who is a spokesman for the group" is the same Fred Rustman who appeared in a co-ordinated campaign on Fox News and in the conservative press claiming to be Valerie Plame's case officer and saying that she openly acknowledged her status as a CIA agent, blowing her own cover. Larry Johnson dealt with Rustman's claims in his testimony to Congress. Finally, Hosenball mentions "Chad Kolton, a former spokesman for the office of Director of National Intelligence during the George W. Bush administration who now represents OPSEC". A moment's work with Google reveals that Kolton "led the public affairs department" at DNI during the Bush administration and now is a founding partner in the D.C.-based firm of HDMK, a PR firm founded by four Republican "communications veterans".

In other words, both groups are made up of deep GOP dirty tricks operatives, and literally some of the same jagoffs who outed Valerie Plame as a CIA Iran case officer in 2003 in retaliation against anti-war crusader Joe Wilson, and then Swift Boated John Kerry in 2004 to keep Dubya in the White House.

Now they're going after Obama.  This is the level of GOP desperation we're reached right now:  Birthers and Swift Boaters.

Honorless bastards.

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