Friday, August 10, 2012

The Republican War On Women Continues Unabated

Republicans continue to refuse Democrats to do anything to alleviate the unemployment crisis in the country, rather their plan is to systematically target those groups that support the Dems, and I can't think of any group that would suffer under the yoke of Republican control like America's women would.  The outrage of the moment:  GOP Rep. Todd Akin, currently in the House and recent winner of Missouri's Senate primary contest to take on Sen. Claire McCaskill, wants to do the"moderate" thing and completely outlaw the so-called "morning after" pill.

As far as I’m concerned, the morning-after pill is a form of abortion,” he told KCMO’s Greg Knapp, “and I think we shouldn’t have abortion in this country.”

Akin suggested there should be no exceptions for rape or incest. When it came the mother’s health, doctors should try to “optimize life.”

“The life of the mother, the situation there is one where I think what you want to do is optimize life,” Akin said. “You try to save the mother’s life, you try to save the child. There are certain things like, you know, you get a tubal pregnancy where the child has absolutely no chance of surviving, then you do the best you can to save the mother’s life.”

This is the guy Republicans are sending from the "purple" state of Missouri, a man who will eliminate a woman's right to choose in any and every circumstance without exceptions for rape or the life of the mother.  And keep in mind Akin's twisted logic on emergency contraception is just a step away from declaring birth control to be "abortion" as well, that needs to be outlawed by his legislation.

He'll certainly block any efforts to improve the economy as well.  Todd Akin only cares about his crazy, misogynist religious agenda...and getting elected, of course.

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