Saturday, September 29, 2012

Conspiracy Of Dunces

Republicans are bravely trying to manufacture a scandal in the hopes you'll forget just how awful the GOP really is.  Now it's a supposed massive coverup over the death of US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.

Earlier this week, Republican senators wrote to the US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, demanding that she explain her statement, five days after the killings, that they were part of a spontaneous anti-US protest. Four senators signed the letter, including John McCain, which said Rice made “several troubling statements that are inconsistent with the facts and require explanation”.

The former New York mayor Rudolf Giuliani, who sought the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2008, went further, accusing the White House of a cover-up.

Speaking to Fox News, Giuliani said: “This is a deliberate attempt to cover up the truth, from an administration that claimed it wanted to be the most transparent in history. And it’s the worst kind of cover-up: the kind of cover-up that involves our national security. This is a cover-up that involves the slaughter of four Americans.”

Rice’s explanation of a spontaneous assault by a well-armed Libyan militia was maintained by the administration until 10 days ago when Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Centre, called the killings a terrorist attack.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, and the defence secretary, Leon Panetta, this week shifted away from the initial line. Clinton on Wednesday hinted that the al-Qaeda offshoot in North Africa may be tied up with the Benghazi assault.

The truth is we're still not sure what happened in Benghazi that night.  Police work is a little difficult to do in a foreign country, and the Libyan government isn't exactly being super helpful right now.

But if Rudy Giuliani has evidence and proof of a cover-up, let's see it.  What do you know, Rudy?  I'm betting "not much of a damn thing".  It's one thing to say the Obama administration has conflicting narratives based on lack of information.  It's entirely another thing to say it's another coverup.

Proof or shut it, Rudy.  You're irrelevant to American foreign policy anyway.  And for the guy who at one time was "America's Mayor" after 9/11, to be reduced to a tinfoil hat wearing moron?  How far you have fallen, man.

Get out of here and take your nonsense with you.

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