Friday, September 14, 2012

Last Call

Well, that was fast.

Seems our racist Birther asshole friend from Kansas didn't even last 24 hours in the spotlight before he decided he was the victim and that black people are sooooooo mean and why can't you let him be a racist and kick President Obama off the ballot in Kansas in peace, you guys.   Sheesh.

A Kansas man dropped his complaint on Friday that could have led to President Barack Obama being removed from the November ballot there.

Joe Montgomery of Manhattan, Kan., wrote in an email to state officials that he no longer wanted them to investigate whether Obama was really a natural-born U.S. citizen or eligible to run for reelection. The email said that he, along with his friends and colleagues, faced a significant backlash after a state elections board took up his case and agreed to look into whether the president’s birth certificate was real.

“There has been a great deal of animosity and intimidation directed not only at me, but at people around me, who are both personal and professional associations,” Montgomery wrote in an email to the office of Secretary of State Kris Kobach, which released it to TPM. “I’m don’t wish to burden anyone with more of this negative reaction, so please immediatley [sic] withdraw any action on this objection.”

Yeah, I'm so very sorry for the guy who is now blaming all the people who called him out for being a racist douchebag, when he was being a racist douchebag.  Jamelle Bouie sums it up nicely:

The real question isn’t whether race affects our political disputes, it’s how. This isn’t an easy question. Yes, there are clear racial implications to things like Mitt Romney’s false charge that Obama is “ending the work requirement” in welfare and simply cutting checks to recipients. But, when it comes to the role race plays in voting—did Obama lose votes because he’s black—it’s a little complicated.

In any case, if you’re trying to answer the question of race and opposition to Obama, here’s something to remember: we’re only 47 years removed from the official end of Jim Crow. White supremacy was the governing idoelogy for the vast majority of this country’s history, and—in the broad scheme of things—we’re still in the first legs of our journey toward racial equality.

But hey, Mitt Romney gets asked about his birth certificate all the time and Democratic Secretaries of State of the various blue states threaten to remove him from the ballot constantly, right?

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