Saturday, September 22, 2012

Olympic-Class Stupidity

Walking anti-feminist cartoon Phyllis Schlafly, desperately trying to make Chickens In Favor Of McNuggets look sane, is now claiming that 40 years of Title IX legislation making education and sports programs more equal has somehow destroyed the US men's national Olympic team.  Right Wing Watch reports:

One of the main stories to come out of the 2012 London Olympics was the outright dominance of American female athletes, another sign of the success of the Title IX, which barred discrimination between men’s and women’s educational programs and is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. But Title IX has always provoked the ire of Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum. In a radio alert today, Schlafly claims Title IX in fact “weakened our competitiveness” at the Olympics.

The US won 104 medals in London (58 for women and 45 for men), which Schlafly believes shows that male athletes suffered a severe injustice. “Feminist-imposed gender quotas hurt us at the Olympics in events which our Nation once dominated,” Schlafly claims, “While our Nation won the most medals for the fifth consecutive Summer Olympics, many of our medals were in contests of dubious value like beach volleyball. Title IX quotas have hurt our competitiveness in sports that are most helpful to the development of our young men.” Schlafly points to the US failure to win medals in wrestling as a sign of Title IX’s allegedly disastrous impact; however, throughout Olympic history the US has never dominated wrestling in the Olympics” And while Schlafly believes that the policy wreaked havoc on male collegiate sports, female athletes and women’s teams still receive significantly less financial support compared to their male peers.

The woman is completely bonkers in every respect.  Only wingnut dipsticks could take "The US is dominating at the Olympics" and turn it into "stupid women!" and "BEACH VOLLEYBALL ISN'T A SPORT."

I'm betting we wouldn't be hearing complaint number one out of her during a Republican administration, right?

Please.  Women making the argument that women are responsible for the decline of men in the patriarchy is like grapes complaining that the grapes are responsible for the decline of wine sales among vintners.  The woman doth protest too much, methinks.

Perhaps Phyllis thinks all men are secretly Jets QB Tim Tebow, who wants a woman who looks good,  with "a servant's heart" and who has to be as awesome as his mom is.  Even better, Phyllis seems to think that it's a woman's duty to be attracted to Tim Tebow precisely because of this.


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