Friday, September 14, 2012

Re-Birther Of The Uncool, Part 8

The racist birther nonsense spreads to Kansas, where Romney surrogate and GOP Secretary of State Kris Kobach is considering removing President Obama from the ballot in November's election due to "questions about the President's birth certificate."  Raw Story reports:

The Kansas State Objections Board is considering removing President Barack Obama from the November ballot because of doubts over his place of birth, according to the Topeka Capital-Journal.

The panel of Republicans, which consists of Secretary of State Kris Kobach, Attorney General Derek Schmidt and Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer, received a complaint from a resident who claimed Obama was not a natural born citizen and therefore ineligible to be president.

Obama has been dogged by questions about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States since 2008. Some of the so-called “birthers” believe Obama is not a natural born citizen because his father was a British subject.

As for Mr. Obama’s citizenship, there are many doubts,” said Joe Montgomery, who filed the ballot challenge. “Doing the right thing can be hard and unpopular.”

Doing the right thing would mean Kobach would take Montgomery's complaint, rip it up into tiny pieces on television, and tell clowns like Joe here to stop being such a fool.

There are no "legitimate questions" about the President's citizenship.  The birther attacks have been racist code-word garbage for five years now.  The birth certificate is real, and the only people trying to bring this up are lunatics suffering from such an advanced case of Obama Derangement Syndrome that I would feel sorry for them except for the obvious racist overtones.

If you believe the President is an illegal immigrant and not legally President, then stop being a coward.  Every court has laughed this stuff off, and yet these challenges still come not only from lunatics but now Republicans who are in positions of actual responsibility.  I say put your revolution where your mouth is, and go do something about it.

But instead, you'll hide behind your birth certificate polite racism like the fools you are.  Your refusal to call for Kobach's job over this tells me everything I need to know about Kansas Republicans.  You're racist assholes, cowards, and morons.

Don't like it?  Do something about it.  Demand Kobach's resignation.  Now.

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