Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Worst Campaign Ever

Expanding on today's earlier post that yes, Obama is vulnerable on the events in Bengazi, Charles Pierce makes the argument that Romney really should be cleaning Obama's clock regarding this week's events and has basically been handed the election on a silver platter, only to piss it all away because he's a gigantic moron.

In case you missed it, Barack Obama lost the election over the past few days. Lucky for him, however, he is running against Willard Romney, who is ham-handed, maladroit, and generally the biggest horse's ass of a professional politician this side of the Country of the Houyhnhnms. There is one principle of incumbency beyond the control of presidents, their spinmeisters, the punditocracy, and the voters. That is that Shit Happens. On the day of Jimmy Carter's inauguration, for example, who'd ever heard of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini? In August of 2001, not even anyone in the Bush administration apparently gave a damn about al Qaeda. Over the past few days, Shit has Happened in a such a way as to present the Republican challenger with a Republican's Comstock Lode of talking points, debating tricks, and attack advertisements.

He goes on to point out that the Chicago Teachers Union strike, Bibi's chest-thumping on Iran, Moody's making noises about another credit downgrade and the events in Cairo and Benghazi this week should, if operated by a competent campaign, be vaulting Romney ahead in the polls in what really should amount to the worst week President Obama has had all year.

Instead, Romney has imploded.

Let us be clear. On all four of these issues, the president is clearly vulnerable — most directly on No. 1, because of his close ties to Emanuel and the education "reform" community, and No. 3, because the administration did not make wrecking the lives of the thieves who wrecked the economy a priority upon taking office. He is confronted in this election by a man with a positive gift for spinning gold into straw. Romney was last heard reiterating the sentiments for which he was excoriated for the past 12 hours. Give this man a steak and he'll send it back for shoe leather.

I really can't argue with Pierce's logic, too.  The President really is vulnerable on all of these issues, and yet Mitt Romney still took a huge dump on America's front porch.
That's how awful Mitt Romney is.  We'll see how much the FOX media machine can do to save Mitt.  My guess is a lot.  They'll have to.

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