Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why Fight It?

Over at Washington Monthly, Ed Kilgore dismantles the "argument" that only Mitt Romney (and getting rid of President Scary McBlackguy) can end partisan gridlock, and by "argument" I mean Ramesh Ponnuru's latest ton of fecal matter.  Kilgore rightfully sees shades of Goldwater redux:

So as a cap to four years of political hostage-taking, a final general election pitch from Republicans this year is to hold the next four years hostage as well: give us total power to begin implementing our agenda and start dismantling this silly, expensive New Deal/Great Society system and this European-style progressive tax code, or nothing at all happens. We’ll get our way eventually, so why not get started now?

This will be a seductive argument for certain elements of the “centrist” MSM commentariat. There’s a big piece up at Politico this very morning about how disillusioned political reporters are about the viciousness and pointlessness of this election cycle. When will the gridlock end, they implicitly ask, and the wondrous Washington romance of movers and shakers moving and shaking return? Before long, we’ll hear ostensibly “neutral” voices making the case for one-party government—Republican one-party government, as it happens—as an oasis of clarity and productive activity after all the nasty divisiveness we’ve experienced. For the history-minded, it may even start sounding a bit like the famous fatigue of the European elites about the weakness and pettiness of parliamentary democracy during the 1920s. 

Kilgore is right on the money.  Eventually any "centrist" position always returns to "Republicans must have total control over everything, it's easier that way."  Why fight them?  Why even try to?  Surely the Village minions have given up.

Centrists are people who believe the natural order is complete Republican control of government, but can't admit they are Republicans because of the lunatic currently destroying the party.  Ergo, they need the rest of us to surrender because if we stop fighting them, they'll turn into normal people who want a governable country rather than a religious fundamentalist work camp.

You buy that?

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