Monday, September 24, 2012

You People Have Done It Again

Well now You People have done it.  Queen Anne Romney doesn't want to talk to You People anymore because You People hurt her feelings.  Don't you know how hard it is to have $250,000,000 and multiple homes across the country?  You People are heartless.

In Omaha for a closed to the press fundraiser for her husband Friday, Mrs. Romney was supposed to give interviews to several reporters but canceled due to the controversy over her blow up at Republicans on a radio interview, in which she ordered Mitt’s Republican critics to “stop it.” reported:

She had scheduled interviews with The World-Herald and other reporters but canceled after controversy erupted this week over her comments to a public radio station in Iowa about her husband’s Republican critics.

She appeared at the luncheon, $250-per-plate fundraiser at the Embassy Suites and La Vista Conference Center. The event was closed to reporters.

Looks like Ann is being taken off the shelf.  America's no longer in love with Her Imperial Highness, it seems.  Can you imagine how Michelle Obama would be treated if she made those statements and later canceled a presser with reporters?

Sorry Ann.  You chose to play this game.  Hire a body double or something.  You have the money.

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