Thursday, October 25, 2012

Direct To Cable Derangement

At least one cable TV company covering the important swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio is offering the odious Dinesh D'Souza smear job movie on the President for free to its customers, just weeks after it was in theaters.

A major cable provider is offering a notorious anti-Obama movie to all its subscribers for free. The company, Armstrong Cable, operates in six states including Pennsylvania and the critical swing state of Ohio. The move comes just days after the Armstrong’s Chairman of the Board donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee.

The film, “2016: Obama’s America,” has been widely panned by fact checkers. Written and narrated by conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, it claims Obama’s “worldview…was largely shaped by the anti-colonalist, anti-white and anti-Christian politics of Obama’s supposedly radical Kenyan father,” who was largely absent from his life. The point of the movie, according to a review in the Washington Post, is to convince viewers “that Obama hates America.” It was panned as “fear-mongering of the worst kind.”

Armstrong recently started offering the movie for free, on demand, to all of its subscribers

Now gosh, why would a cable TV company be giving away  anti-Obama propaganda here for free right now in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio?  I certainly can't think of a reason a cable TV company would be so generous, do you?

What?  Trying to influence swing state voters before the election with a awful, hate-filled hatchet job on the President for no charge?  Can't imagine why any conservatives would choose to do that, huh.

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