Friday, October 12, 2012

May The Punishment Fit The Crime

DALLAS (AP) -- A doctor has testified that a Texas mother who glued her 2-year-old daughter's hands to a wall also beat the toddler so badly that she suffered significant brain trauma and bleeding inside her skull.
Elizabeth Escalona pleaded guilty July 12 to injury to a child. The 23-year-old mother is being sentenced Monday. She faces up to life in prison. A state district judge will decide her punishment.
Anyone who can do this to a two-year-old over potty training issues deserves the full punishment.  I really do believe in attempting rehabilitation, but when you are working with someone this diabolical I don't give very good odds.

I hope these poor kids get a family that loves them and treats them well, while they spend a lifetime breaking the cycle of abuse.

I fear what it would do to some states, but for the safety of the kids and the determination of the parent's options, perhaps we should look at a nationwide effort to give parents a place to bring their kids when they are on the edge.  Life is full of stressors and triggers for people who need help.  Increase counseling, or the availability of it.  But with that let it be a two-edged sword.  Parents don't get to claim being overwhelmed or not knowing they had this option.  Some kids are spared, some abusers get stiffer sentences.  That's winning however the win comes.

Something has to be done.  I'm tired of writing these, shaking my head and unable to do more than just be pissed.  It's time to give this attention and our best minds.

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