Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Unbecoming" Behavior For A State Senator, Like Playing WoW

Republicans are going after Democrat candidate Colleen Lachowicz and comments made by her World of Warcraft character.  You can go here to read them in context.  All but one are ridiculous.  The bathtub comment was dumb but not threatening like it is being made out.  If one cannot distinguish between this and reality, that's a sad statement. As for any other comment she makes - tell me you have never thought or said something exactly like that.  I have, every person I know with Internet access at work has.  Whether it's WoW, your chat room, texting or personal email, we all check messages on the clock or surely wish we could. Online community ties mean online communication, which means virtually all are all tempted to check our Facebook or other accounts.
“This is not about her playing video games, this is about the comments she made while gaming,” David Sorenson, communications director for the Maine Republican party, told ABC News, referring to the comments about Norquist, as well as things said about other Republicans. “These are all things that are unbecoming to a state Senator.”
Lachowicz has appeared to shrug off the criticism. Her campaign released a statement on the attacks, criticizing Republicans for not talking about the issues.
“What’s really weird is that the Republicans are going after my hobbies instead of talking about their record while they’ve been running Augusta for the last two years. Instead of talking about what they’re doing for Maine people, they’re making fun of me for playing video games,” Lachowicz said in the statement.
Unbecoming to a state Senator?  Sounds a lot like Akin calling Claire McCaskill a wildcat who had been let out of her cage.  Or when he said she was unladylike because she dared show aggression in a campaign.  Sorry guys, women are people too.  We play online games, we fight back, we have a spine and a heart and a brain.  If we don't fit in the narrow apple pie baking June Cleaver mold it doesn't mean we are crazy.  It means anyone who expect half the population to act a certain way due to distorted memories of the good old days is crazy.

If Todd Akin can say women's bodies shut down pregnancies in cases of legitimate rape, she's going to have to work hard to top that.  Anyone who can defend Akin and come after her is a hypocrite and a jackass.

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