Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Crossing The Rubin Con Once Again

Jen Rubin, World's Worst Hack(tm) on Eric Holder and the AP subpoenas being the worst thing ever:

It’s time to clean house, get some real legislative oversight and make certain there are consequences (legal or political) for those responsible. And the president needs to come forward and answer lots and lots of questions.

Worst thing EVER.

One can only imagine if the Bush administration pulled this.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation improperly obtained calling records for more than 3,500 telephone accounts from 2003 to 2006 without following any legal procedures, according to a newly disclosed report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

Instead, according to the 289-page report, F.B.I. agents informally requested the records from employees of three unidentified telephone companies who were stationed inside a bureau communications office.

Based on nothing more than e-mail messages or scribbled requests on Post-it notes, the phone employees turned over customer calling records, the report said.

On some occasions, the phone employees allowed the F.B.I. to upload call records to government databases. On others, they allowed agents to view records on their computer screens, a practice that became known as “sneak peeks.”

Moreover, the report found that the F.B.I. improperly uploaded into its databases large numbers of calling records without determining whether they were relevant to an investigation.

On four occasions, the bureau made inaccurate statements to a court that authorizes national security wiretaps about how it had obtained calling records, the report said.

And agents twice improperly gained access to reporters’ calling records as part of leak investigations.

Sure was unprecedented, yep.  You know, instead of just going through legal channels and informing the AP, all the folks screaming that Obama is "chilling free speech" seem to forget the last guy simply had the FBI take reporter's phone records and didn't give a damn.  We only found out several years after the fact.  Somehow, I don't see anyone recalling that....least of all Jen Rubin.

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