Thursday, May 30, 2013

Letters From A Boring Ham, Jailed

Remember the guy calling for a mass armed march on Washington DC as a gentle reminder we live in a country with millions of heavily armed assholes who equate their gun rights to manifest destiny?  He's back, and he's skipping the "civil disobedience demonstration" stage and going right to the "call for armed insurrection" stage.

About a month ago, a gun activist named Adam Kokesh called for thousands of people to join him in an armed march on Washington, D.C. to “put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny.” As of this writing, nearly 5,200 people have RSVPed for Kokesh’s armed march.

Late last week, however, Kokesh decided to abandon this march in favor of a much larger effort to bring down the entire federal government. In a statement written from a jail cell in Philadelphia (Kokesh faced charges for allegedly resisting arrest during a pro-marijuana rally. He now says he’s been released), the gun activist called for his supporters to form a secessionist “army”:

Roll the manifesto music, boys.

A new American revolution is long overdue. This revolution has been brewing in the hearts and minds of the people for many years, but this Independence Day, it shall take a new form as the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property. Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible.

Good luck with your single brigade spread over 50 state capitals there, ace.  That's what, a largish platoon of douchebags at each statehouse versus local cops, who can call on state police and national guard if needed?  I'm sure that's going to be totally successful, and the Governors will just fold right then and there.  Also, I'm completely sure they totally won't gas you clowns and put you in prison for a good long time, either.

You get right on your second American Revolution there, skippy.

1 comment:

  1. He's lucky he's a non-Muslim living in the US - any Muslim saying something like that in the US would be arrested immediately for "material support of terrorism". Any Muslim living outside the US would get a visit from Mr. Drone.

    (Remember the Muslims who were sent to prison for playing paintball in Virginia?)
