Friday, July 19, 2013

I Think I've ID'ed The Problem, NC GOP

And because North Carolina Republicans aren't already crashing in popularity, they're now making the state's voter ID law even tougher with the intent of discouraging those damn hipster college students from voting at all.

The new measure would require voters to show one of seven types of photo identification issued by the government, such as driver’s licenses, passports, non-driver IDs and military or veteran cards.

It eliminates about half the types of photo identification allowed under the House version, including cards from UNC system colleges, state community colleges, local governments, private employers and law enforcement agencies. The bill would take full effect in the 2016 elections.

“We want a state-issued ID or a federal-issued ID,” said Sen. Tom Apodaca, the bill’s chief supporter, expressing concern that college IDs “could be manipulated” and allow out-of-state students to vote in two states.

We want it succinct, and we are willing to pay for it,” he added, noting that the bill would provide free photo IDs to people without them.

To pay for the ID's, sure.  To keep the DMV offices open long enough to issue them all, well, that's another problem, given the steep budget cuts to state employee services in the last 3 years.  The state is only now experimenting with some Saturday DMV hours at a few offices...all without any extra funding or staffing, meaning how workers get paid to do it, well, umm...FREEDOM.

Good luck with that, guys.  PS, if you're planning on being a North Carolina college student in 2016 and voting for Hillary or whomever, you might want to reconsider going to school in a state that actually gives a damn about wanting you to vote.

By the way, the Charlotte Observer is so sick of the state GOP and NC House Speaker Thom Tillis (who is ironically not as responsible for this awful legislation as he should be because he keeps skipping out on votes to go fundraise for his bid against Sen. Kay Hagan in 2014) that they're calling for Tillis to step down as Speaker.

When Tillis announced his Senate bid, he said he would “raise money at the appropriate time.” “I don’t intend to campaign heavily and actively until after we get out of session,” he said.

It’s fine that Tillis is interested in higher office, and we don’t fault him for recognizing the need to raise millions. But the fiscal year started three weeks ago and the legislature still has not agreed on a budget. Tillis is missing sessions. His actions are raising questions of conflict of interest.

He has shown he can’t give his undivided attention to the N.C. House and the U.S. Senate at the same time. He should give up his Speaker’s gavel, resign from his House seat and give his full energy to his Senate bid, unencumbered by such distractions as running the state.

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Less-intrusive, small government for the win!

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