Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last Call For Sour Obamagrapes

I've often said that the chief motivating factor of any winger doing anything is because they believe it will annoy a liberal, but you can always return the favor by reminding them that Barack Obama was reelected President, and that they waste an awful lot of time trying to change something they're powerless to change.  Here in NOBAMA Country in the NKY, that means laughing at these particular morons.

Standing behind oversized “Impeach Obama” signs and waving American flags, protesters took to overpasses in Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties on Tuesday to voice their displeasure with the current administration.

As part of the nation-wide “Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment” movement, the protestors manned overpasses over I-471 in Fort Thomas, and I-71/75 in Fort Wright and Florence, during the morning and afternoon rush hours, imploring motorists to show support by honking their horns.

They weren’t disappointed.

At the Kyles Lane overpass in Fort Wright, protesters could barely be heard over the sound of horns.

“It’s been great!,” said Vonda Pickens, the Independence mother who spearheaded the Northern Kentucky effort, an hour into the protest. “It was a little bit busier earlier, but the horns have been going on all morning. We’re pleased because, well, you never know.”

But NKY is tame compared to Arizona, it seems.  Hundreds of anti-Obama protesters showed up there for the President's speech on housing, and things got ugly, fast.

Racially-charged sentiment infused the protests and split the crowd both politically and physically. Obama supporters congregated on the west side of the road in front of the high school and his critics lined up across the street.

Obama foes at one point sang, "Bye Bye Black Sheep," a derogatory reference to the president's skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, "Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"

These folks seem nice.

Deanna Bartram, a 17-year-old University of Arizona student from Black Canyon City, lashed out at people who call her racist for not supporting Obama. She believes Obama supporters use the “race card” against her because they disagree with her political message.

“Obama is ruining American values. He is ruining the Constitution. He needs to go back to where he came from because obviously, he is a liar,” she said. “I am not racist. I am part Indian. Obama’s half Black, half White.”

He’s 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident who said that he and his son served as Marines and his grandson is currently serving in the Marines.

Enderle criticized the president mishandling security at the U.S. Benghazi Embassy.

“My grandson is third generation Marine, and it bothers me to have this man as our commander in chief. I’m ashamed,” Enderle said.

And of course, what better place to bring your kids so that they can join in this message of tolerance?

Judy Burris said that she blames Obama for racism in America reaching heights not seen since the 1960s Civil-Rights Era.

We have gone back so many years,” she said. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”
She said that she brought her 12-year-old grandson Christian Cabrera to the protests because she thought it would be educational.

“He’s Mexican,” she said of her grandson.

Cabrera said he wanted to accompany his grandma “so I could protest about impeaching Obama.”

What I do know Obama is still President, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.  Please enjoy your impotent rage, knowing that you're reduced to publicity stunts and sweating in the August heat on smoggy overpasses, and remember, tomorrow your president will still a black man you didn't vote for, but the rest of the country did.

If only the President was white again, right?  On behalf of African-Americans everywhere, I apologize for ruining your effing country, assholes.

Have a nice day.  In America.  With your black President.

1 comment:

  1. I know the hate is there. I know that they want to stand their ground , well fill in the blank but sometimes ,as much as I enjoy your site ,I wish I wasn't reminded of the fact. Oh well it is what it is
