Thursday, August 1, 2013

President Obama Has Finally Had Enough

It appears this time (unlike the other 14,817 times he's mentioned doing this) that President Obama will finally take bold executive action to go around Republicans in Congress, and apparently this time the difference is that Democrats on Capitol Hill are scared enough about midterm elections to actually back the President instead of running away.  WIN THE MORNING:

“I have to figure out what I can do outside of Congress through executive actions,” Obama told the Congressional Black Caucus earlier this month, according to Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.).

“He’s very ready to use his executive powers whenever possible,” said Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) who heard Obama discuss the new approach at a meeting of the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus to the White House last week.

With the clock running on Obama’s time in office — he’s even started marking the number of days left in public speeches — the president is done caring about congressional Republicans calling him a dictator. Or calling him at all.

Obama can’t ignore Republicans forever. There’s no way for the president to avoid negotiations to get continuing resolutions to avoid a government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling — and depending how things go, rebuff GOP efforts to defund Obamacare and possibly a compromise on immigration reform. Chief of staff Denis McDonough’s functioning as an almost one-man legislative affairs office can’t do it all.

And he’s used the executive authority tactic before, including last summer’s controversial move to cut deportations for younger illegal immigrants and the mental health focus he announced as part of his gun control agenda after the Newtown massacre.

But administration officials and advisers say what’s ahead will be more extensive and frequent than previous efforts, and the White House is on the hunt for anything that can move without congressional approval, including encouraging efforts like Attorney General Eric Holder’s lawsuits to find new avenues of enforcement in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Voting Rights Act last month.

So yes, screaming, spittle-flecked invective on watering the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants for the next forever, which differs from the last five years, well, not at all.  But hey, at least Democrats have finally figured out Republicans are going to say this crap anyway, so press on.

More of this, please.  The difference too is that the Village is figuring this out as well, and maybe they don't like what they're seeing, either.  Kinda hard to blame Democrats for immigration reform with 68 Senate votes, including 100% of Democrats in the Senate, ya know?

Things should get interesting.

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