Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Ballot Of North Colorado, Or It's All Away From Boulder Dash

And the overwhelmingly conservative, rural, and (ahem) white population of Colorado's northern counties apparently have had enough of this "being attached to this Mork & Mindy driving a Subaru state crap" and are proceeding with Operation We're Leaving, Suckers.

To secede or not to secede from Colorado? That is the question that residents in Weld County will face in November after county commissioners voted unanimously Monday in favor of putting a 51st state initiative on the ballot, the Greeley Tribune reports.

The initiative, which calls for the creation of the state of North Colorado, has already made it onto the ballot in Cheyenne, Sedgwick and Yuma Counties. Logan, Phillips, Washington and Kit Carson Counties have also set dates to vote on the initiative.

“Si se puede -- yes, we can,” said Weld County Commission Chairman Bill Garcia, echoing one of President Barack Obama's campaign slogans, before commissioners voted on the initiative.

Several rural, predominantly Republican counties of north and and northeastern Colorado announced their plan to create a 51st state back in June. Supporters have cited a number of laws -- including gun control measures, an increase in renewable energy standards in rural areas, the curbing of perceived cruel treatment of livestock and expanded regulation of oil and gas production -- that the Democratically-controlled state legislature passed this year, as the impetus for the secession movement.

"Rural residents are now a disenfranchised minority of Colorado," Phillips County Administrator Randy Schafer told The Denver Post last month. "National and urban values and needs are trumping rural values and needs."

The argument is these counties, home to Colorado's fracking boom, are where all the money is, and if they leave, the rest of those people are just screwed.

Only one problem:  the same Colorado state legislature, Gov. John Hickenlooper, and the Congress these morons despise would all have to approve this little divorce beforehand.  And gosh, I don't see this happening.

But it sure is cool to vote petulantly to leave the government you're a part of just because you lost in a representative democracy, huh?  Nice to know that instead of working with Colorado, or working to even expand your party's power base, you guys are just going to cut and run in a symbolic waste of taxpayer money.


1 comment:

  1. Plus, in Weld County at least, they don't really have their own source of water. So it makes you wonder... are they conservative enough to learn to drink fracking fluid? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/23/north-colorado-water-issues-_n_3486525.html
