Monday, September 16, 2013

Last Call For AmmuNation

Today, another mass shooting, this time at the Washington DC Naval Yard.  The suspect, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 before police killed him in a running gun battle.

Tomorrow, Grand Theft Auto V is out.  May be the most hotly anticipated and highly rated game in years.

The media would like you to think one has something to do with the other. I'm not blaming video games for mass shootings any more than I blame Dumas' The Three Musketeers for starting swordfights or The Guns Of Navarone for starting wars. 

America, pretty much right there.


  1. And let's not forget about the jellyfish population explosion.

    According to Gershwin's research, since the 1960s, nine out of ten of globally hunted fish are gone, including swordfish, marlin, sharks and tuna. Human activity has given rise to hundreds of coastal water "dead zones" where coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangrove forests are in severe decline. "The increase in jellyfish blooms is one of many signs signaling a sea change," she wrote.

  2. One would think it somewhat intuitive that the critical ingredient for a gunfight - is a gun. Instead, we get the usual crop of suspects piously claiming that "if only we enforced the gun laws already on the books" while ignoring the sad truth that those laws are so weakened as to be meaningless.

  3. Is there anyone out there who does not suspect that humanity is trying to unwittingly self extinct

  4. I've witnessed that jellyfish explosion more locally than globally. I've seen it explode as some of the local species have disappeared.

  5. Only the lowest part of humanity...

  6. ConservAmerica was founded in 1995 to resurrect the GOP's great conservation tradition and to restore natural resource conservation and sound environmental protection as fundamental elements of the Republican Party's vision for America. Conservation is Conservative! Not that long ago the Nixon and Reagan administrations presided over some of the most important environmental legislation of the 20th century. Instead of the hate and divisiveness, lets work together.

  7. Damn, we won't even be able to eat krill once we remove all the fish with our seines.
