Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Last Call For That Con(Men)voy

Looks like that whole Truckers Versus Libtards/Second American Revolution thing has ran smack into the brick wall of reality as trucker Earl Conlon is now telling anyone with a microphone that the whole thing was a hoax.

It can be hard to get attention for your agenda in a town like Washington, but Georgia trucker Earl Conlon figured out a way: take the Beltway hostage.

Conlon’s comments in a U.S. News & World Report story that he and thousands of truckers from across the country (and possibly Canada) planned to come to the nation’s capital Friday and bring traffic to a standstill on the inner loop of the Capital Beltway zinged across the Web and were picked up by outlets ranging from Fox News to the Huffington Post. The rally was dubbed “Truckers for the Constitution.”

But it is a hoax.

“The comments to U.S. News were designed to do one thing and one thing only: stir the feather of the mainstream media,” said Conlon, a father of three. “Nothing gets the attention of the mainstream media like some sort of disastrous threat. I knew it was going to ruffle some feathers.”

So while thousands of truckers may indeed come to Washington on Friday and many of them may travel along the inner loop of the Beltway, honking their horns, they won’t intentionally shut down traffic, he said.

“First of all, we know it would not be right to go to D.C. to lock down the city by the Belt loop,” said Conlon, 50, a veteran truck driver who has suffered through more than his share of traffic jams. “That wouldn’t be fair to the people there.”

And Conlon is not sure that he will even make it to town Friday.

Boy, the US Secret Service got to this asshole fast, didn't they?  Somebody made very clear to this schmuck that if anything does happen in DC this weekend, it's all on his head, and he's now backpedaling as fast as he can away from the mess he created.  When it comes to anti-government rhetoric, these clowns are base cowards through and through.  They talk tough and want to bully whoever they can, but they crumble when people stand up to them.

It's a lesson to keep in mind as the bullies in the House threaten all of us with economic disaster.

1 comment:

  1. It always had a smell of bovine-derived organic fertilizer. Remember the guy who was going to gather a bunch of gun owners and march on the Capital on July 4 - and nobody showed up? Same idiot theme, different idiot seeking YouTube fame...
