Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Last Call For A While

After some serious introspection over the last several weeks, I've decided to take a break from ZVTS for a while.  It's a combination of the holidays, and partially because I've not really taken a break from this place in five and half years.

I'm overdue for something of a vacation for a while.

Don't worry, I'll be back, but I'm somewhat burnt out and have a lot going on in my life, and I need to put ZVTS on the back burner for a bit.

Thanks for understanding.  I'll still be fighting the good fight after the holidays.



  1. Have fun - we'll be here when you get back...

  2. I and we all will miss you. Recharge the ol' batteries and enjoy life for a bit.



  3. Hee, good luck, Zandar, and I hope the break helps you. Yeah, you've been on this pretty much constantly, so I can't blame you.

    Hope you have fun!

  4. Posting as guest - though have lurked for years, you're an early morning tonic for me - can't be bothered with all the tech-stuff - well-done you for taking a break - love your posts, hope your break and re-charge is good. Don't forget to come back!! :-)

  5. Take care Zandar, looking forward to your future posts!

  6. West_of_the_CascadesDecember 12, 2013 at 6:01 PM

    Take good care - your posts have kept me sane and my blood pressure nominal through many a stupidinews event. I'm sad we don't get your take on Fox News's White Christmas fiasco. I hope your break is good for what ails you (we'll find other ways to deal with what Ailes us in the meantime).

  7. Perhaps when Zandar comes back, he will regale us with his spin on "Barack Obama, Liar of the Year" too.

    Of course the real reason he took a "break" was because he nearly got himself a permanent "break" from his job. I hear our Zandar isn't the most conscientious employee, and he's now one moderately stiff breeze away from joining the weekly new jobless figures. Such a pity that would be. Why, he'd then have all the time in the world to tell us how smart he is...from his parent's basement.

  8. Oh my my my. It seems the stiff breeze has come and carried off our hero! I doubt any of you will be hearing from Zandar again.

    I don't wish to speak ill of the departed, but...fuck you, you lazy asshole. You got what you deserved and nobody cares that you're gone.


  9. And how did I know that the blog's resident douchebag would be around to spread their assholery.

  10. May you return refreshed and in fighting trim. I shall miss you in the meantime.

  11. Who cares about YOU??? This is about ME! Get back here and write! NOW! NOW NOW NOW!!!

    Bah! Humbug!
