Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

See if you can guess the source of this drivel (emphasis mine):

Americans heard President Barack Obama declare this week that he intends to bypass the gridlocked Hill to get things done on his own. What they didn't hear: just how far he’s actually pushing his executive authority
An in-depth examination of the administration’s actions and plans, agency by agency, regulation by regulation, reveals an executive power play that’s broad and bold — and intensely ambitious. Far more than he let on in the State of the Union, the president has marshaled the tools of his office to advance policies, many unabashedly liberal, that push deep into everyday life for tens of millions of Americans
He wants to change how power plants operate. And what we buy for lunch. How we travel to work. And how our kids learn math. How our gasoline is formulated. How we light our aquariums
Already, the president’s team has enacted 300 economically significant regulations, far more than Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan did in comparable periods. Some of those rules are driven by the Affordable Care Act and Dodd-Frank banking reform, the two big laws Obama pushed through Congress early in his first term, when he had Democratic majorities in both houses. But there is far more.

Answer after the jump.

So who said it and where?  Krauthammer in the WaPo?  Noonan is the WSJ?  Anyone at The Blaze, the Daily Caller, the Washington Examiner?  What about the Breitbrats?

Nope.  This hit piece on IMPERIAL UPPITY OBAMA is courtesy Stephanie Simon at Politico from Friday.  Today, she followed up with this piece on the brave Republicans bravely resisting Tyrant Obama.

For a man who prides himself on winding down two wars, President Barack Obama certainly has started up a lot of new ones. 
There’s the war on coal. The war on gun owners. Even the war on ceiling fans. 
At least, that’s how it looks from the Republican side of the aisle. 
The GOP has watched in mounting frustration as Obama has deftly circumvented Congress and marshaled the federal bureaucracy to enact a host of liberal priorities. It’s been an ambitious, aggressive executive power play – and, as laid out in a Politico Pro special report, there’s much more to come.

In all, it's a pretty awful series of the most obnoxious ARROGANT OBAMA SHOULD KNOW HIS PLACE AND WE'LL PUT HIM THERE talking points.  But the fact that Politico is flat out reprinting GOP garbage represents the fact that Politico no longer gives a damn if it's seen as a GOP publication.

Works for FOX, right?


  1. One of the revealing nuggests in "This Town" was Mike Allen's reticence in publicizing the fact his father was a big wheel in the John Birch Society. The author seemed to find that interesting.

  2. Horace Boothroyd IIIFebruary 2, 2014 at 3:04 AM

    How we light our aquariums?

    That's not very fiendish, a diabolical schemes go.

    Surely a Harvard educated muslim socialist could aim higher.
