Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paul Ryan, Master Of GOP Minority Outreach

Apparently the entire thrust of GOP Rep. Paul Ryan's interest in poverty statistics is to once again blame it all on black men for being lazy.

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) previewed his upcoming legislative proposals for reforming America’s poverty programs during an appearance on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America Wednesday, hinting that he would focus on creating work requirements for men “in our inner cities” and dealing with the “real culture problem” in these communities. “We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with,” he said.

I guess he thinks we black men are too stupid to see through that nonsense, but that's kind of his point, isn't it?  It's black culture that doesn't value hard work, cause we're all thugs and drug dealers and...well wait a minute, drug dealers and thugs actually do know the value of hard work, now that I think about it.  So I guess he sees someone like me as subhuman maybe?

Ryan also cited Charles Murray, a conservative social scientist who believes African-Americans are, as a population, less intelligent than whites due to genetic differences and that poverty remains a national problem because “a lot of poor people are born lazy.”

And yet this lovely pile of racist garbage was the Republican choice for Vice-President in 2012.  Sure does make me want to vote Republican.  You know, if I wasn't so lazy and/or stupid.

Today, Ryan apologized.  Sort of.

After some reflection, Ryan said Thursday "it is clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make." 
"I was not implicating the culture of one community - but of society as a whole."

Sure he was.  Especially when he cited Murray and his Bell Curve nonsense.  He must think we're pretty stupid.

Oh wait, he does, and he said so.  On multiple occasions.  Look, even if you somehow can make the argument that Ryan isn't a racist asshole citing other avowed racist assholes in his policy work, at the very least his entire budget is based on the fact he thinks poor people only exist because they are all  one hundred percent of them lazy to a person.

And again, this guy was going to be Vice-President of the United States if the GOP had their way.

1 comment:

  1. "generations of men not even thinking about working"

    That GOP policies have made it so that there is NO work available can not be mentioned. And for what tiny few jobs there are, the GOP has made sure they pay way too little to live on anyway.
