Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Rage Of The Turtle

Mitch McConnell seems to be feeling pretty good about not only his primary chances, but the primary chances of all his GOP establishment buddies, because apparently screw the Tea Party wing 

"I think we are going to crush them everywhere," McConnell said about Tea Party challengers in a New York Times interview published Saturday. "I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

McConnell faces a primary challenge from the right. The Senate Conservatives Fund, which backs Tea Party challenger Matt Bevin, believes the candidate has a chance of defeating McConnell the the primary.

"Mitch McConnell is clearly in trouble in this primary or he wouldn’t be attacking Matt Bevin and declaring war on conservatives," Matt Hoskins, the head of the SCF, told the New York Times.

Unless time and space have become unhinged, the last time I checked, Bevin was losing by 26 points.  So, the Turtle may actually be right about Bevin not having a shot in hell.  It would be too bad if the rest of Bevin's drooling maniacs also lost their primaries, because it would make it far easier for the Dems to keep the Senate if they won.

On the other hand, Mitch isn't exactly making friends with this interview among the Tea Party set, either...

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