Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Last Call For Electile Dysfunction

I have to say that with both Mitch McConnell and John Boehner voters served by the Cincinnati media market, we get some hysterical political ads like this one from J.D. Winteregg, the Tea Party challenger gunning for Orange Julius's seat in the Ohio primary on May 6.

Winteregg is an awful candidate of course, but the ad is actually very funny.

Winteregg’s policy agenda includes term limits to make people more comfortable about how they’re represented in Washington — an issue that could be highlighted nationally by an abrupt end to Boehner’s term — and a blend of fiscal conservatism and moral values. “I’m 100 percent pro-life,” he said, adding that he strongly supports the Second Amendment and opposes illegal aliens being “suddenly entitled to this welfare system.”

“When they talk about the debt ceiling they ask, ‘Will you raise it?’ I say look at how it got here. We need to cut spending. We can find waste fraud and abuse everywhere. That will resonate with people because we’re all doing that [in our own lives]. The government is the only thing that’s not,” Winteregg said. “The fastest-growing place in America right now is Washington D.C. These people work for us and they’ve become independently wealthy?”

As a teacher, Winteregg has special ire reserved for federal school reforms, including the 2001 Bush administration policy that Boehner co-sponsored.

“You can’t address individual students’ needs when it’s centrally planned. Boehner was a co-sponsor of No Child Left Behind which has opened the door to Common Core. It takes a toll on the kids, a toll on the teachers,” the challenger declared. “You have a bunch of politicians making decisions in education. We need teachers making decisions on education. You get that when you diminish the role of the federal government.”

The guy hits all the Aggrieved Ohio White Guy buttons here, including comparing Orange Julius to a union leader ("If you say anything bad about the party you’re a scab") and is running on the notion that Boehner spends too much time fundraising to vote, so the people in the tony suburbs north of Cincy towards Dayton don't actually have any representation, or something.

Whether he has a chance in hell, well who knows.  But Tea Party groups are throwing money at Winteregg to get this ad up, and Boehner actually is buying TV ads now.

Just in case.

Oh, and the Democrat running is Tom Poetter, who is light years ahead of either of these clowns.  Drop by his website or his ActBlue page and drop in a few bucks.


  1. Horace Boothroyd IIIApril 17, 2014 at 12:22 AM

    You touch upon my great disappointment with the left blogosphere: shortly after the story broke in early June of 2013, it was decided that the NSA was the worstest thing ever in the history of anything and anyone who tried to discuss some other topic - the CIA, Google and Yahoo and the other data miners, the side effects of lurid sensationalism in reportage of such a momentous issue, the weather - found himself waking up the next morning covered in puke, piss, jizz, and blood while the flying monkey purity army ran screaming after the next heretic.

    So ten months later the usual suspects are still slow roasting the NSA over the coals of burning witches, not a god damned thing has been done to rein in the national security state beyond the reforms already implemented by the Obama Administration, and the corporate data hooverers are still running amok. After fifty years my commitment to the goals of the lefty project are as firm as ever, but I am now despondent that I have crawled into bed with a gang of demented schmucks who couldn't organize a weenie roast in a sausage warehouse.

  2. Horace Boothroyd IIIApril 17, 2014 at 12:23 AM

    This is not going to end well.

  3. That is a hell of a story; my thanks for sharing it.
