Monday, May 26, 2014

Dear America:

"Far be it from me to politically take advantage of the tragedy in Santa Barbara last week, but clearly Elliot Rodger was everything wrong with liberal and liberalism and the left.  The fact is the vast majority of criminal scumbags out there have to be, by definition, liberals.  (Or black.  Same difference.)  Clearly we need huge piles of guns to protect us from Obama."

Actual Verbatim Stupid:

Actually, mass shootings are pretty equally distributed among ethnic groups. The worst mass shooter in American history was an Asian-American, Seung-Hui Cho, and an African-American, John Muhammad, murdered at least ten people in the D.C. area. And, of course, the overall homicide rate among African-Americans is something like eight times the white rate.

Now, you and I would probably interpret "pretty equally distributed among ethnic groups" as 1 to 1, or at least "in a ratio similar to the US population as a whole" if I was going to be generous.  Instead, Hinderaker finds two non-white mass shooters in the last 15 years and says "yeah, it's equal".  OK.

Bonus Verbatim Stupid:

Beyond that, some might argue that Rodger was a prototypical liberal male, only carried to a pathological extreme. Consider the profile: socially awkward, convinced of his own brilliance but not notably successful in life, hungry for revenge against those who have done better despite their obvious inferiority, eager to gain power over others, but through political influence rather than firearms–is this not a typical liberal on Twitter, or elsewhere on the internet? Or, for that matter, in the Obama administration? Isn’t state power the legal path to the long-awaited revenge of the liberal nerds? This strikes me as a plausible suggestion.

To recap, Hinderaker apparently believes the Obama administration and indeed liberalism itself is full of Elliot Rodgers, angry nerds with revenge fantasies who simply haven't yet acted upon them, and this pretty much justifies whatever measures are necessary to deal with them.  You know, more guns.

Sure, that's not paranoia or anything.  Jesus.


  1. ...socially awkward, convinced of his own brilliance but not notably successful in life, hungry for revenge against those who have done better despite their obvious inferiority, eager to gain power over others...

    Throw in some xenophobia, and this sounds more like a typical Tea Party member to me - something like Jonah Goldberg with no inherited money. How many conservatives show their deep political savvy by declaring that the Nazis were really leftists because "they had 'Socialist' in the party's name." How often to they display disdain for "elitists"? And, of course, how often do they try and seize power through tricks such as making it harder for the "undeserving moochers" to vote?

  2. The entirety of world history demonstrates that white males have caused more death, darkness, despair, and destruction than any other group in history: from the Inquisition, to the Crusades, to the witch trials, to the slave trade, to WW1, to WW2, to Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan, to Hitler and Stalin and all kinds of genocides, to 99% of serial killers and mass murderers, to the atomic bomb, to the Great Depression and Great Recession, to political policy which exacerbate the poverty and hopelessness that allows crime to flourish. They have the fingerprints white guys all over.

    You have to love the mendacity of right-wing conservatives who do everything possible to exacerbate economic inequality and poverty, then concern troll about the crime that is the inevitable result of their institutionalized greed. Republicans love to talk about how gays are ruining society and who fail to mention that heterosexuals have a lock on aggressively antisocial acts. Just like they love to trot out Park and Mohammad and the other minority 'exceptions that prove the rule' to deny that the proclivity to slaughter complete strangers is almost always a white male phenomenon.

    James Holmes. Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Josef Stalin, Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolf Hitler, Vito Rizzuto, Andrew Cunnanan, Vladimir Lenin, Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, Heinrich Himmler, Andrew Kehoe, Sakvatore Riina, Jack Graham, David Burke, Tex Winter, Benito Mussolini, Nicholas II, Martin Bryant, Richard Chase, Albert Fish, George Hennard, Lyle Menendez, Eric Menendez, James Huberty, Leonid Brezhnev, Ottis Toole, Dutch Schultz, Charles Whitman, Thomas Hamilton, Carmine Galante, Michael Ryan, John Gotti, Ronald Simmons Jr., Ismail Pasha, David Westerfield, Leopold II, Vlad III, Pat Sherril, Mark Lepine, Carlo Gambino, Ed Gein, Kaiser Wilhelm, Andrei Chikatilo, Paul Castellano, Butch Cassidy, Anthony Casso, Wiliam Burke, William Hare, George Banks, James DiMaggio, Tom Woolfolk, Roy DeMeo, Al Capone, Frank James, John Wilkes Booth, Bruno Hauptmann, Anthony Mirra, Vincent Gigante, Albert Anastasia, Jesse James, Howard Unruh, Eric Borel, Natan Leopold, Richard Kuklinski, Richard Loeb, David Gray, Bugsy Siegel, Mark Barton, Henry Lee Lucas, Charles Starkweather, James Ruppert, James Pough, Whitey Bulger, Dick Hicock, John Haigh, Clyde Barrow, Perry Smith, Gilles de Rais, Joachim Kroll, David Berkowitz, Douglas Clark, Paul Knowles, Herman Mudgett, Frank Balistreieri, Patrick Kearney, Charles Cullen, Andrei Chikatilo, Ronald DeFeo, Dennis Rader, Leonard Lake, William Bonin, Kenneth Bianci, Angelo Buono, Randy Kraft, Ed Kemper, Joe Ball, Chris Wilder, Gary Ridgeway, Albert DeSalvo, Mark Chahal, Richard Speck, Sammy Gravano, Anton Probst, Richard Durn, Wade DeFord, Wade Frankham, Frank Vitkovic, Julian Knight, Carl Brown, Dale Nelson, Gian Ferri, H.H. Holmes.

    The list of depraved white males is a mile long. Let's not forget the gang of white teens who macheted a woman and her child in New Hampshire -- never reported by the conservative media. So do we get to start calling white guys thugs yet, or is that still reserved only for black football players who yell on TV after games? When does the media's national conversation on the "white male culture of violence" start?

  3. Liberal AND ProudMay 27, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Is Assrocket still living in his mother's basement?

  4. I have read Rodger's manifesto, and in it he explicitly calls his father a liar about "nice guys finishing first" and rejects his father's political ideology *in middle school*. He also explicitly refers to himself as a fascist as early as late high school. While his parents almost certainly are liberal, he was not, not even a little bit.

  5. Liberals are all bad people, therefore all bad people are liberals. A simple, convenient, guilt-free (and fact-free) way to avoid examining one's own predilections and those of one's own cohort.

  6. I have to agree; this sounds more like the typical GOP voter than anyone who would vote for Democrats. In my experience, people who vote Republican do so because they are seeking revenge against those who they feel have unfairly benefited at the expense of their superiors, i.e., Republican voters, and/or straight white Christian men.

  7. I'm still waiting for someone to identify the "liberal" equivalent of James David Adkisson.

  8. Because no true conservative would ever act that way...riggghhht. HindRocket is still wrong, after all these year. Why am I not surprised? This man has been publishing rank bullshit for years; why are we shocked now? It's the same idiotic technique the Doughy Pantload uses; anything that goes wrong in the world must be caused by the dreaded liberalism! It must be nice going through life so deluded and stupid...

  9. Not that it really makes any difference, this guy was a member of the "men's rights" movement, which would him just one more right wing jerk.

  10. His mother kicked him out several years ago because he was attracting vermin. He now lives in Jonah Goldberg's mother's basement. She enjoys the vermin. She eats them for breakfast.

  11. I do believe the alpha angry nerd is Karl Rove, who once said he became a republican as a kid because he was bullied by a 'liberal girl'. And of course, the guys in Texas who have to carry their giant guns into fast food joints to prove they are manly.

  12. IMO, Rodgers was suffering from affluenza; he didn't seem to have wanted for anything, and I believe that it was that sense of entitlement that made him believe that women were his due, without any effort of his own expended. Mighty nice looking car he filmed himself in; he had quite a cache of firearms, which aren't cheap, and it appears that Daddy's money managed to keep his mental/emotional issues from showing up in a background check, which he evidently passed, as we were all informed that his guns were all legally owned.
    "Affluenza" is a more predominately conservative illness, than it is a liberal one.

  13. Horace Boothroyd IIIMay 27, 2014 at 11:13 PM

    It's funny because it's true.
