Friday, May 9, 2014

Dear America:

"Benghazi is THE END of Obama, do you hear me?  THE END of Obama and THE END of the Democrat Party and THE END of liberalism and it will all come crashing down around and THEN WHAT, LIBTARDS?  THEN WHAT?!?!

Facts?  Umm...BENGHAZI! I WIN!"

--Ron Christie, Daily Beast

Bonus Verbatim Stupid:

The Obama administration has misled, dissembled, and otherwise given the finger to the families of those who lost their lives that night in service to their country. I’m willing to believe that the personnel on the ground in Benghazi were terrified, confused, and hoping the cavalry was on its way to save them from terrorists seeking to kill them. We need a Special Select Committee on Benghazi to ascertain these facts and ensure that such a disaster never occurs again. We need truth, not bullsh*t, from the president and his administration, but so far, that’s all they’ve been shoveling.

I'm willing to believe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans were terrified, confused, and hoping the cavalry was on its way too during the Bush administration, but we were too busy murdering them for being brown..  But it sure is fun to pretend that there's some grand cover-up that resulted in four dead bodies when Bush's incompetence cost us a couple thousand times that.

I'm sure this will somehow cause real problems for President Obama's re-election campaign.


  1. I woke up with a pimple on my ass this morning! It's all Obama's fault, because BENGHAZI(tm)!

  2. My God...the stupid, it's not burning, it's a [expletive] supernova with these Benghazi jerks.
