Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Last Call For Rise Of The Planet Of The Morons

How to be a Republican, by NY state Senate candidate Jim Coughlan:

1) Go after MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry with an obvious racial slur like "damned dirty ape" on Twitter.

2) Plead ignorance to the fact that Melissa Harris-Perry is black, state that you've never seen her show, and basically say you've never heard of her when you get called out on it.

3) Wonder what the big deal is when you were just quoting Charlton Heston from a movie.

4) Wonder why are liberals so obsessed with race all the time.

5) Ignore the fact that you got in trouble for retweeting insulting, racist, and misogynist tweets three weeks earlier and that you deleted your Twitter account because of it.

6) Accuse intolerant, politically correct liberals of trying to drive you out of politics and claim your aggrieved white guy status.

7) Repeat as necessary until you win your election, or end up getting a lucrative job offer from the Right-Wing Outrage Machine.

It's that easy!

1 comment:

  1. Horace Boothroyd IIIMay 7, 2014 at 9:52 PM

    Unfortunately, the purity trolls are not merely gnawing at our ankles on this one - as you observe,there is real potential for real damage here. Some people just don't get coalition building, I watch your back on this one and you watch my back on that one.
