Monday, June 9, 2014

There Appears To Be An Awful Lot Of Treading Going On

Please continue to ignore America's pesky right-wing white supremacist domestic terrorist problem in favor of whatever outrage President Obama did this news cycle for the much more serious crime of being President while not a Republican.

Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a woman in the store.

Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.

I know, I know, it's really a complex and frightening false flag operation cleverly designed to lead us toward martial law under the Kenyan Usurper and totally not about a bunch of homegrown extremists trying to bring down our government.

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.

Proof that it's clearly a liberal false flag operation as there is no white supremacist militant terrorist problem in the United States, because Chief John Roberts has assured us racism is over, Q.E.D. and stuff. Perhaps more guns would have prevented this.

One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.

Well, even more guns then.  Freedom.

Anyway, please go about your business because tens of thousands of black thugs kill each other like animals in our inner cities every day, so stuff like tea party sovereign citizens murdering cops doesn't prove anything other than black people are thugs who kill each other like animals in our inner cities every day, and cops too, so shut up libtards, how much blood is on your hands, yadda yadda DON'T TREAD ON ME.

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