Friday, July 10, 2015

Continuing To Trump Reality

The Donald is a blustering racist meathead, and it's no wonder then that he leads yet another poll among his fellow blustering racist meatheads in the GOP 2016 primary.

Media coverage of Donald Trump's controversial immigration remarks have lifted the GOP presidential candidate to the top of the Republican field, according to a new Economist/YouGov poll
Trump was the preferred GOP nominee for president for 15 percent of respondents — 4 points ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush (Fla.) and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), who were tied for second place. 
Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.) shared the third spot with 9 percent each.

In addition to being the first choice for the majority of likely voters who participated in the poll, Trump was also the primary second choice for those who preferred another candidate as their nominee.

12 percent of respondents said Trump was second in line for their vote, while only 7 percent picked either Bush or Paul as their safety candidate.

Donald Trump is the Republican party right now.  Here's a freebie: Donald Trump has been the Republican party for years: mean-spirited, greedy racist billionaires who think they should be able to buy and sell Americans like they do everything else.  And like Trump, you're only useful to the GOP as long as they can continue to exploit you for profit and not a second longer.

So yes, Republicans, Donald Trump is your racist, birther champion and has been for years.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said. 
Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.

The rest of us need to keep that in mind heading into November 2016.  The jackasses who want Trump for president will be voting then.

Will you?

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