Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Bruce Is Loose

The only music sweeter to my ears than the news that Bruce Springsteen cancelled his upcoming concert in Greensboro, NC over the state's anti-trans law is the plaintive whining of Republicans who think the Boss is a meany-head.

A U.S. congressman who represents portions of Greensboro, N.C., is accusing Bruce Springsteen of being a "bully," after the rock star canceled a concert there to protest a new law that's being described as anti-gay.

"It's disappointing he's not following through on his commitments," said Rep. Mark Walker, a Republican freshman congressman.

"We've got other artists coming soon — Def Leppard, Justin Bieber," the congressman told The Hollywood Reporter.

"I've never been a Bieber fan, but I might have to go. Maybe artists who weren't 'born to run' deserve a little bit more support," he said, referencing one Springsteen's most famous song titles.

"Bruce is known to be on the radical left," continued Walker, "and he's got every right to be so, but I consider this a bully tactic. It's like when a kid gets upset and says he's going to take his ball and go home."

Gosh, that's weird, Mr. Walker.  It seems to me that Mr. Springsteen is choosing to refuse service to the Tarheel State because doing so would violate his strongly held moral beliefs.

Might want to look into that.  While you're at it, listen to some of his lyrics and try to understand their message.  A lot of them are directed at assholes like yourself.

Your "free speech" law does not protect you from the consequences of exercising that "free speech".

Have a nice day.

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