Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Rio Hunger Games

While world records are being smashed and medals awarded in Rio, it's time to check in with the more lasting political story in Brazil as the country's Senate has overwhelmingly voted to proceed with the impeachment trial of suspended President Dilma Rousseff over corruption charges, charges almost certainly related to financing the construction of the very Olympic venues being celebrated this month.

The Brazilian Senate has voted to hold an impeachment trial of suspended President Dilma Rousseff, who is accused of breaking the budget law. 
The senate voted 59 to 21 in favour of going ahead with the trial against Ms Rousseff, which is likely to be held at the end of this month. 
The Senate suspended Ms Rousseff in May over alleged illegal accounting practices.
She says they were common practice under previous administrations. 
Following a marathon debate that ended early on Wednesday, the senate easily surpassed the required simple majority needed to decide on whether to try Ms Rousseff. 
A two-thirds majority is needed in the final vote following the trial, which is due in the week after the Olympics closing ceremony. 
As the debate got under way on Tuesday, Supreme Court President Ricardo Lewandowski told senators that they were about to "exercise one of the most serious tasks under the constitution".

Current replacement Michel Temer isn't exactly popular these days either, being roundly booed by Brazilians at the Olympic opening ceremony last weekend. As a reminder, Olympic games are usually financial disasters for the countries that host them too.

Both these events will have a long-term impact on Brazil, and not a very good one.

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