Tuesday, August 22, 2017

By The Time Trump Gets To Arizona

Donald Trump is charging ahead on his racial gasoline and matches tour next campaign stop later today, despite being asked kindly by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton to reschedule his visit to the Valley of the Sun in the wake of the tragic events of Charlottesville just nine days ago.  Now Mayor Stanton is being somewhat less kind about asking Donald Trump to stay away.

Nearly 50 years ago, moments after learning that an avowed racist had gunned down Martin Luther King Jr., a young presidential candidate took the stage in Indianapolis to break the news to a largely African American crowd. 
“What we need in the United States is not division,” Sen. Robert F. Kennedy implored. “What we need in the United States is not hatred. What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another.”
It was exactly what the grief-stricken crowd needed to hear. There were riots in many cities that night, but not in Indianapolis
President Trump’s response to Charlottesville reminds us that the words and actions of our political leaders in the wake of tragic events matter.

America is hurting. And it is hurting largely because Trump has doused racial tensions with gasoline. With his planned visit to Phoenix on Tuesday, I fear the president may be looking to light a match.

That’s why I asked the president to delay his visit. It’s time to let cooler heads prevail and begin the healing process.

Stanton's real worry is that Trump will show up with not only his usual divisive, hateful, and coded racist language, but he'll show up with a newly-minted pardon for former Maricopa County Sherriff Joe Arpaio.

Let’s be clear: A pardon of Arpaio can be viewed only as a presidential endorsement of the lawlessness and discrimination that terrorized Phoenix’s Latino community. Choosing to announce it in Phoenix — especially in the wake of Charlottesville — would add insult to very serious injury and would reveal that the president’s true intent is to further divide our nation.

For years, Arpaio illegally targeted Latinos in our community because of the color of their skin. Mothers and fathers lived in fear as they dropped off their kids at school. Kids lived in fear of their parents being arrested and taken away. 
A federal court ruled Arpaio’s tactics violated the law. After he defied a judge’s orders, he was convicted of criminal contempt. In convicting him, U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton noted that Arpaio “announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise.”

Even before his trial and conviction, voters grew tired of Arpaio’s brand of racism and blatant violation of the law. Last year, in an overwhelmingly Republican county, Arpaio lost by nearly 10 points. Although local Republicans helped defeat Arpaio, the white nationalists, neo-Nazis and other racists who shamed our country this month in Charlottesville would surely cheer a presidential pardon.

Our community is moving on and moving forward from Arpaio’s divisive legacy. A pardon won’t change the fact that Arpaio was convicted of a crime, nor will it shake our resolve to keep building a city that is welcoming, is inclusive and provides opportunities for anyone willing to work for them.

Stanton is correct, and there's no reason to make me think that Trump will take the hint, or even that he cares.  Rather, Trump will get to piss a bunch of liberals and Latinos off, and that's literally all that matters with his base.

The rest of us?  Well, we don't exactly count as "America" in Trump's version, now do we?

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