Thursday, September 14, 2017

A DACA Deal Done?

News of a Trump deal with Dems to restore DACA has Trump's base furious.

Democratic leaders announced late Wednesday that they agreed with President Trump to pursue a legislative deal that would protect hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation and enact border security measures that don’t include building a physical wall. 
The president discussed options during a dinner at the White House with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that also included talks on tax reform, infrastructure and trade. Trump has showed signs of shifting strategy to cross the aisle and work with Democrats in the wake of the high-profile failures by Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 
We’re working on a plan for DACA,” Trump said as he left the White House on Thursday for a trip to survey hurricane damage in Florida. 
Trump said that he and Congress are “fairly close” to a deal and that Republican leaders Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (Ky.) are “very much on board” with a deal that would address DACA. The agreement must include “massive border security,” Trump said in response to shouted questions about whether he had reached a deal on the terms Schumer and Pelosi had described. 
“The wall will come later” he said, apparently confirming a central element of the Democrats’ account. 
Earlier Thursday, amid backlash from conservative supporters, Trump had sought Thursday to reach out to his GOP base with messages claiming his agenda would remain intact on signature issues such as the border wall.

In a series of tweets, Trump wrote that “no deal” was made on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, an Obama-era program that has allowed 690,000 dreamers to work and go to school without fear of deportation. He further wrote that agreements on “massive border security” would have to accompany any new DACA provisions, and insisted that “the WALL will continue to be built.”

Needless to say, the MAGA types are ready to do to Trump what they did to Dubya's immigration deal ten years ago.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter reacted to President Donald Trump's recent stance on immigration policy Thursday by suggesting she wanted Congress to impeach him:

Coulter was responding to one of Trump's tweets in which he defended immigrants who came to the United States as undocumented children. 
Among Coulter's many bestselling books, “In Trump We Trust” was a full-throated endorsement of Trump for president, a position she thought he would use to tamp down on illegal immigration and build a border wall. 
Without the wall, Coulter said she preferred Vice President Mike Pence take over the Oval Office: 

There is one hard and fast rule of the "unpredictable" Donald Trump: Eventually Trump screws over everyone.


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