Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Waking Up From The DREAM, Con't

Can we stop pretending that Trump's six-month punt on DACA isn't anything more than a cruel, fantastically racist and bloody-minded stunt to shore up the base after Harvey and Mueller, and that even if Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell could pull anything out of their asses and pass legislation keeping the referrals that Trump would ever sign it?

Can we stop the song and dance about Trump not being a monster?  Because he's not pretending anymore either.

White House talking points on Tuesday urged DACA recipients to prepare for a "departure from the United States," a much starker possible future than Trump administration officials used in public when announcing an end to the program.

The statement was contained in a background document that was sent by the White House to offices on Capitol Hill, obtained by CNN from multiple sources. 
In the "DACA talking points" memo, the White House laid out a number of bullet points for supporters on Tuesday's announcement outlining the administration's action. One bullet point suggests DACA participants should prepare to leave the country. 
"The Department of Homeland Security urges DACA recipients to use the time remaining on their work authorizations to prepare for and arrange their departure from the United States -- including proactively seeking travel documentation -- or to apply for other immigration benefits for which they may be eligible," the memo says
Neither the White House or Department of Homeland Security disputed the contents of the document to CNN. 
"As noted, we expect Congress to pass legislation so this will hopefully be a moot point," DHS spokesman David Lapan said. "However, of course we would encourage persons who are in the country illegally to depart voluntarily, or seek another form of immigration benefit for which they might qualify." 
"No one has an entitlement to live in the United States illegally," Lapan added. "Individuals have an independent obligation to comply with the laws that Congress passes, in all contexts."

Make plans to self-deport now, those of you whose families brought them over from another country at age 2.  Save Dear Leader Trump the expense of hunting you down and forcibly expelling you from glorious country America!

Or else.

That's the "heart" Trump is showing.  If he's going down, he's going to do as much damage as he can before he goes.  And if you're expecting congressional Republicans to play fair, they're already plotting the price that Dems will have to pay in order to save DACA...that is if Ryan can keep his caucus together.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill broadly agreed on Tuesday that something should be done about young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and who will eventually lose deportation protections if Congress does not step in to help them.

But Republicans are already placing conditions on their support that could kill the effort entirely. They are willing to vote for protecting so-called “Dreamers” ― but not without getting something in exchange for it.

Hopefully there will be some give and take and we can accomplish something,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said, suggesting Democrats could support efforts to boost border security.

Build Trump's wall or we deport them all...and Dems are stupid if they think the Republicans won't screw them over on this and do both.

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