Saturday, June 22, 2019

Our Little Domestic Terrorism Problem, Oregon GOP Edition Con't

Things are definitely getting worse in Oregon as armed white supremacist domestic terror groups are now openly siding with Oregon Republicans in shutting down the state legislature by any means necessary, including threats of deadly violence, in order to prevent Democrats from passing climate change legislation.

Oregon’s top lawmakers will shut down the state capitol after receiving threats from militia groups, who authorities say are planning to demonstrate there in support of the 11 Republican senators who fled the state to dodge a vote on climate change
State Senate President Peter Courtney (D) told his colleagues on Friday that Oregon State Police had informed him there was a credible threat to him, the rest of the remaining senators — all of whom are Democrats — and the building’s staff. 
“It was obviously a credible threat because Sen. Courtney wouldn’t close it down for no reason,” Courtney’s spokeswoman Carol Currie told The Washington Post.
State police confirmed the danger in an emailed statement. 
We have been monitoring information throughout the day that indicates the safety of legislators, staff and citizen visitors could be compromised if certain threatened behaviors were realized,” wrote Capt. Timothy Fox. 
Friday night’s menacing escalation was the latest in a bizarre feud between the state’s Democrats and Republicans, who have clashed repeatedly during this year’s legislative session. 
Early Thursday morning, every GOP senator bolted, reportedly for the Idaho line, rather than sit idly in the chamber as their opponents passed a sweeping cap-and-trade bill. Gov. Kate Brown (D) responded by directing state troopers to corral the Republicans and return them to the state house. 
Democrats have a supermajority in Oregon, allowing them the rare opportunity to pass the legislation of their dreams — but without Republicans, they can’t achieve a quorum. No quorum, no vote. GOP senators said they had two options: allow a bill to pass that they said would devastate their constituents, or make a run for it. 
We will not stand by and be bullied by the majority party any longer," Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr. said in a Thursday statement. “Oregonians deserve better.”

If Republicans cannot control the state, they will threaten violence against those who do until they get the political outcome they want.  This is the textbook definition of political terrorism, and sitting Republicans in Oregon are resorting to terrorist groups in order to get their way.

Here's a theoretical.  Flip the players around and imagine this was Alabama or Florida or Ohio or another state with a GOP supermajority in the state legislature and a GOP governor.  Imagine Democrats leaving the state to prevent a quorum to prevent the state legislature from conducting any business.

Now imagine that Black Lives Matter demonstrators planned a rally at the state capitol to protest the GOP agenda. Imagine state police closing the capitol because of credible threats against GOP lawmakers.

Would anyone in America hesitate to use the phrase "terrorism" there?  Would anyone doubt immediate intervention by Donald Trump, calling for swift and deadly force against both the protestors and the Democratic lawmakers who skipped town?  Immediate international news as National Guardsmen and federal agents descended?

That's the difference.  This story is maybe a page A10 at best.

You will either have a GOP government, America, or you will burn.

This is the Republican party.

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